
Energy Department Liars: Biden Administration Buried Study Favorable to LNG

Trust the science, until it contradicts the accepted narrative.

The US Government Energy Department in the Biden administration may have conspired to bury a study they asked for which contradicted their green energy narrative. LNG, or Liquified Natural Gas exports were halted by the Biden administration – aka Secretary Jennifer Granholm – allegedly because it would have “increased greenhouse gas emissions.” Turns out that was a lie meant to destroy American energy.

The Biden DOE had essentially completed the final draft version of the LNG impacts study by the end of September 2023, and that version was ready to be presented to top Biden officials shortly thereafter, Trump DOE sources told the DCNF. That particular iteration of the study, DOE sources told the DCNF, found that increasing U.S. LNG exports would actually bring about a reduction in global emissions relative to other scenarios…

While the September 2023 and December 2024 versions of the paper bear the same name, the final version released to the public did not include a specific type of analysis of LNG exports known as the consideration of market effects, Trump DOE sources told the DCNF. That particular analysis — included in the buried September 2023 version of the study, but not the final product — found that U.S. LNG exports would bring down global emissions by displacing more polluting sources of energy abroad, and its absence from the December 2024 version allowed the Biden DOE to skew the final report’s findings against increasing LNG exports.” Nick Pope at The Daily Caller

To put it bluntly, Jennifer Granholm was a liar. She claimed that exporting LNG would increase greenhouse gases when her own study revealed the exact opposite.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The “study” was completed in 2023, yet Granholm, et.al. claimed it wasn’t finished. When it was released, it was totally different. The corrupt Biden DOE took advantage of a doddering dementia-ridden figurehead to push their radical agenda. Later on, a reporter asked Biden why he signed the EO that stopped LNG exports, and he didn’t know he did it. Someone needs to go to prison!



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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