
Effingham County, IL Votes to Uphold 2nd Amendment

Effingham County, Illinois now considers itself a “sanctuary for gun owners” after they voted 8-1 to adopt a resolution that requires county employees NOT to enforce any state law that restricts the Second Amendment. There are numerous bills in the Illinois legislation regarding gun control at this time, as we have previously reported. And the mere mention of being a “sanctuary” for gun owners has some of their constituents in a huff.

Unfortunately, a “resolution” doesn’t have the weight of an ordinance behind it, so it is actually more “symbolic.”

According to the Effington Daily News,

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“Sheriff Dave Mahon agreed that it was a county board decision and would not control his office. 

Mahon said that if such a potentially unconstitutional law were to be passed by the state, he would consult with the state’s attorney and the legal counsel of the Illinois Sheriff’s Association before deciding what actions to take…

…The resolution also opposed a number of bills currently active at the General Assembly, including one vetoed by Gov. Bruce Rauner that would have required additional registration for gun shops.”

A number of people in attendance at the County Board meeting on the night that the resolution was voted upon appeared to be more on the liberal side of things, believing that the “sanctuary” designation for gun owners would bring in more people with AR (“assault”) type weapons.  You know, that flood of monsters with guns that are going to kill everybody in the county. Not.

One member of the county board even mentioned the big “musket destruction versus an AR” argument. Muskets. Seriously.

One gentleman, John Haslett, took issue against the liberal view by stating that the “attention paid to the AR-15 and the comparative rarity of the shootings by lawful gun owners. He argued that far more people die from tobacco and alcohol use than are killed by people who legally own guns.”  

In the end the resolution passed, but it’s obviously an extremely contentious issue in Effingham County, Illinois.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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