
Early Thanksgiving: Murder mastermind Charles Manson is dead


Murder mastermind and cult leader Charles Manson is finally dead. (Screen capture, YouTube, ABC News)

Three days before Thanksgiving, America appears to have something for which to be thankful: murder mastermind Charles Manson is dead.

He is being remembered today as the monster who sent his crazy cult followers to butcher actress Sharon Tate, then 8 ½ months pregnant, and four other people at her home in Los Angeles, and the following night they killed again, this time murdering grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary. It was the summer of 1969.

Today, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, who interviewed Manson, has this to say in a recollection:

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“Personally, I feel no mercy for the low-life whose enduringly perverse popularity was testimony to something dark in America’s psyche.”

For days leading up to Manson’s death, there had been a series of fake news reports that he had already checked out. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but Sunday evening saw the stories come true as the 83-year-old madman finally stopped breathing at 8:13 p.m. after months of failing health.

Over the years, Manson has provided the benchmark for evil. Serial killers Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgway were sometimes mentioned in the same breath by people, yet Manson insisted that he personally never killed anybody. His crazy followers provided the grisly brutality, writing messages in blood at the crime scenes.

Manson infamously tattooed a Swastika on his forehead between his eyes. He had once claimed to have created God. On another occasion, he reportedly told the New York Post, “I am crime.”

There were also occasional off-color jokes about how liberals (In Seattle, Portland or some other liberal enclave) would vote for Manson if he ran for office as a Democrat.

Many are suggesting today that instead of remembering Manson’s name, the names of his victims should instead be recalled. In addition to Tate and the LaBiancas, members of the Manson Family brutally murdered Abigail Folger, Jay Sebring, Voityck Frykowski and Steven Parent. There was also the slaying of Gary Hinman just weeks before.

A detailed and chilling account of the murders, the investigation and trial titled “Helter Skelter” was authored by the man who prosecuted Manson, Vincent Bugliosi, and Curt Gentry. One read of the 500-page could give some people nightmares.

Manson outlived Bugliosi by more than two years. The former prosecutor passed in June 2015 at the age of 80.

Born in November 1934, Manson spent more than half of his life behind bars, including the 45 years he was imprisoned for the Tate-LaBianca slayings.

Reports indicate that the disposition of Manson’s remains has yet to be determined. He has no known next of kin. Lucky for them.

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