AKIN to the modus operandi of the Clinton Crime Family, let it be stated for the record, and without any hesitation or reservation: Political “hit squads” within Demster circles are an inextricable, sure-fire method in which to ensure their total grasp on any given governmental lever of power — by whatever means necessary. This dastardly truth is incontestable.
SIMILARLY, the aforementioned “silencing” is taking place within Georgia’s (D) power circles, that is, despite all those labeled as “conspiracy theorists” for daring to connect the (criminal) dots. We will get to that. Wait and see.
AS such, it begs the question: Even with overwhelming voter fraud evidenced in the “Peach State” via captured video and other irrefutable means, why would Guv Kemp and his henchman, Sec of State Raffensperger, insist that everything within the electoral process was/is on the up and up? Simply put, if this one or that one “follows the (Chinese) money“, rest assured, there are more than enough trails to arrest the duo for treason!
NOT only that, never mind the supposed “acquiescence” and volte-face via the following announcement: “Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Friday that Gov. Brian Kemp has agreed to his request for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) to assist in ongoing investigations related to the 2020 general election, according to a release from the Secretary of State’s Office.
“I have assured Georgians throughout this process that I will investigate every credible allegation that is brought to my office, and I appreciate the leadership and resources that Gov. Kemp is providing,” Raffensperger said. “The governor and I are committed to following every lead, and the expertise, experience, and manpower provided by the GBI will help us move more quickly through a process where time is of the essence. We will stop at nothing to guarantee that all Georgians can have faith in the integrity of our election. At this point, my office has found no evidence of widespread fraud, and three recounts, including a hand recount of paper ballots that voters read and approved before scanning, have returned the same result, but we will follow the evidence where it takes us and we will adhere to the law”…..
TO wit, with the above firmly implanted in mind, a recap of the recent “fiery”, untimely, but highly “convenient” demise of Georgia-bred Harrison Deal is of major note and import. Yes, it bears the tell-tale signature of a Demster “political hit!”
Kelly Loeffler’s Campaign Staffer Dies In A Car Crash: ‘There Are No coincidences’ Writes Lin Wood – A WARNING SHOT TO KEMP: DON’T STEP OUT OF LINE, NEXT TIME IT WON’T BE THE BOYFRIEND!! [EXPLOSIVE VIDEO]
MOVING right along, what are the chances — other than in a parallel universe — that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) Agent, James O’Sullivan, a CRIME SCENE SPECIALIST, no less. didn’t stumble upon something related to Deal’s “mysterious” death and had to be “eliminated?” Do pigs fly??
PAR for the course, each and every DemoCRAT MAFIA media–controlled outfit is spinning the same narrative and weaving a similar tale. As night follows day, they are tarring anyone and everyone as “conspiracy- mongers”, insensitive, shameful louts (and worse), that is, if they dare to question the powers that be!
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HEAVY | December 18, 2020
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is blasting online rumors and conspiracy theories about the death of a GBI agent named James O’Sullivan, saying that his death has nothing to do with the presidential election.
“A GBI agent passed away this week and there are online rumors that it was somehow connected to the election. This baseless claim is irresponsible & reckless,” the GBI wrote on Twitter.
“It is hurtful to the agent’s family and co-workers. Please be mindful of the things you write, repeat, or share – especially when there is absolutely no truth in them.”
A GBI agent passed away this week and there are online rumors that it was somehow connected to the election. This baseless claim is irresponsible & reckless. (1/2)
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) December 16, 2020
People responded to the thread on Twitter in different ways. “I’m very sorry to hear of this. I’m especially sorry to hear that people are adding to the grief with conspiracy theories,” wrote one. “I am so sorry for the loss of your agent. Condolences to his family, friends and coworkers. I am horrified that people have made his death into a conspiracy theory about the election.”
Here’s what you need to know:
The Conspiracy Theories Focus on the Recent Death of a Senator’s Aide
The conspiracy theory focuses, without evidence, on the death of Harrison Deal, an aide to U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler, in a traffic crash. Conspiracy theorists speculate that the agent might have been investigating that death. We asked GBI whether he was but the agency referred us to the above tweets as its only commentary.
According to what the Senator wrote on Twitter, Deal was a 20-year-old Georgia student who worked as Loeffler’s field staffer when he lost his life in a December 4 car crash. His father Curt Deal is a Bulloch County Commissioner.
“It is with an extremely heavy heart that we mourn the loss of Harrison Deal. My heart aches for his family, and Jeff and I will continue to surround them in love and prayer in the days ahead. Harrison was a beloved member of our campaign team,” wrote Loeffler, a Republican who is currently in a runoff election that could determine control of the U.S. Senate.
Statement from the Kemp Family on the Passing of Harrison Deal: pic.twitter.com/l5uSWuo05H
— Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp) December 4, 2020
According to her Facebook page, Deal was dating Lucy Kemp, the daughter of Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.
Pooler police, not GBI, first responded to the scene. “Pooler Police are currently on scene with a major accident at 16 East bound and Pooler Parkway, including one vehicle on fire,” they wrote on Facebook. Three vehicles were involved in the crash on I-16 East.
Attorney L. Lin Wood is among those slinging questions on Twitter.
Deal stood up for Gov. Kemp on Facebook, writing, “I will never be ashamed of this man. To have known him personally for the past two years, I can assure you the information currently being spread about him is completely false. He is the furthest thing from a corrupt man. He will always stand up for what’s right and what’s in the best interest for the people of Georgia.”
According to the Statesboro Herald, “a flatbed truck hauling black plastic tubing struck his (Deal’s) vehicle from behind.” The story does say the GBI had some involvement in the investigation. “Monday afternoon, Deal’s body was escorted from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab in Pooler to Deal Funeral Directors in Statesboro,” it reads.
O’Sullivan Worked for GBI as a Crime Scene Specialist
O’Sullivan’s LinkedIn page lists him as a Special Agent at Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
A December 16, 2020 obituary says that James David “Jamie” O’Sullivan, age 51, passed away Monday at his residence. A cause of death was not given.
“The native of Statesboro was raised in Effingham County. He was a graduate of Effingham County High School and Georgia Southern University,” the obituary says,
According to the obit, “Jamie began his law enforcement Career in 1999 as a police officer with the Savannah Police Department and began his employment with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation on March 16, 2007. He was assigned to the State Drug Task Force and the Tri-Circuit Drug Task Force before transferring to the Region 5-Statesboro Regional Office in 2009, where he was assigned as a special agent III-crime scene specialist.”
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INEXORABLY, according to orders handed down by the powers that be, the rest of us must stand down and shut the hell up! You got that??
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