
Died suddenly: 8-year-old boy used in Covid vax promotional ad

BEING right is not all that it is cracked up to be. But when all of the neon signs are blaring: DANGER ZONE AHEAD”, only an immoral pigmy would remain mute. Untenable.


THAT being set in stone, not too soon after the major powers-that-be started shrieking that the only “savior” from covid would be an experimental, untested mRNA-laced vax, well, it behooved some serious investigating at this end.

NATURALLY, the first round of queries commenced with a significant other; a highly respected cardio-thoracic surgeon, currently, operating out of a major trauma center in Israel. Afterwards, the same line of questions were posed to top specialists within a very close circle of professional associates — one of whom is a noted infectious disease/virologist.

FOR the record: as American-Israelis, they attended top-tier medical schools within the U.S. Not only that, they are well aware that Israel’s leaders (regardless of political party) tend to follow, ape-like, America’s lead. Slavish. It’s just the way it is.

IT is due to this reflexive “follow the leader” mind-set that they advised: indeed, a deep-dive exposure is mandatory. After all, the death toll could be staggering — not from covid (which they consider a hyper-flu), but from an experimental mRNA vax! Yes, the so-called cure could be worse than the disease!

TO said end, the following was compiled. It is by no means exhaustive. Rather, the below compilation serve as highlights thereof.

and on and on the deceptions went….

ALAS, is it any wonder that a healthy 8-year-old boy (one victim thereof) died from a heart attack !? Mind you, he came from a family more medically-sophisticated than most. Effectively, the propaganda machine was so intense, that is, they too succumbed and allowed their precious little one to promote ! an experimental mRNA vax.

O M G!!

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WORLD TRIBUNE | October 15, 2023

Yonatan Moshe Erlichman

An 8-year-old boy featured in a video used to promote Covid shots for children in Israel died after suffering a sudden heart attack.

According to reports, Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, grandson of a distinguished physician in Beit El, Dr. Mati Erlichman, “died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest while taking a bath.”

The boy reportedly slipped under the water after his heart suddenly stopped beating, causing him to drown. After being rushed to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, Yonatan died a few days later on Sept. 28.

In 2020, at the age of 5, the child had appeared in a video produced by the regional council of Mateh Binyamin. The video was part of a government program aimed at pushing the Covid shots on children, despite the nearly universal immunity of children to the Covid virus.

The video made Yonatan a “poster child” for the vaccine campaign in Israel, which became one of the most draconian nations in the world for vaccine measures. The video aired just before the nationwide vaccine campaign began.

Lamenting the tragedy, one Israeli commentator on social media asked indignantly, “Where are the headlines? The investigations? How many more children will die on the golden altar? In particular, there are already two controlled studies indicating that mRNA vaccines cause heart problems … Remember that at any given moment this can happen to your beloved children and grandchildren.”

Yonatan is not the only young boy used to promote Covid injections to have died suddenly.

Last year, an Argentine boy who had similarly served as a national poster child in an ad pushing Covid vaccination for children died suddenly at age 4. According to reports, Santino Godoy Blanco was rushed to the hospital because of a fever and vomiting and died of “bilateral pneumonia.”

“Before passing his mom says he took off his mask and gave her little kisses because he couldn’t talk anymore,” one post on X stated.

The Argentine government still uses the boys photo on their website to push the jab on children. The boy is pictured holding up his fist, with a slogan stating, “Vaccines protect us.”

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology employed by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, has said that inoculating 28 million children 5 to 11 years old could lead to “1,000 or more excess deaths” while the risk from COVID-19 for healthy children is “about zero” and appears to be lower than the seasonal flu.


(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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