
Destination: Tank America

Have you ever just wanted to crush a car by driving a tank over it? Or simply just drive a tank through 40 acres of Florida landscape? Maybe you miss your military days and just need some therapy that only squashing another vehicle can provide. You’re in luck: Tank America is the place for you!

John Kinney graduated from Florida State University, and went to work at Knight’s Armament, a firearms manufacturer. Then he went for his Master’s Degree in Business (MBA). But he wanted to do something different after he tried several ordinary businesses after graduation.  That’s when he learned that the British Army was selling tanks. You know, those 18 ton vehicles that can crush cars or anything else in their path. T.A.N.K.S. – who doesn’t want to drive a tank? Get that off your bucket list and get on with it!

Tank America
Featured photo: The guy in the center of this photo is our own Rick Ferran, alias “Tank” in a Tank. Crushing a car made him smile from ear to ear.

Just the ticket for the adventure minded client

The project began 3 years ago and took a couple of years of jumping through hoops for permits and other governmental concerns. They purchased 40 acres near Melbourne, Florida, which is about an hour from Orlando.

Then they went to work getting their import license, because the only place they could actually get tanks is the UK. They received their permits, and they purchased 2 self-propelled tanks and 2 armored personnel carriers. They prepared a 3/4 mile trail for the vehicles to traverse.

Instagram photo: What is mud for, if not to drive a tank through it?

Tank America has become a tourist destination with clients from all over the world. Canada, Norway, and a plethora of Americans who seek something adventurous in a controlled safety environment. If you go there, you can:

Just drive a tank around the terrain in the basic tank training course. Or you can drive the terrain AND crush a car (my particular favorite) in the advanced course. Or they have a full on combat course to allow you to drive that tank around obstacles completely locked up, using the periscope and guidance of the commander.

Tank America also has tactical laser tag to keep you on your toes…or behind a barrier as the case may be. It is combat simulation at its finest.

Check out their packages at TankAmerica.com, on the web or Facebook, or Instagram.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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