Deplorables Unite! Your new HQ Awaits You
We now have an App on our NEW PatrioticSpace social network that allows our members to invite their patriotic friends from Facebook to join our website.
Time to rock & roll for FREEDOM, folks! This new app will allow us to become a force to be reckoned with in the patriot community. If you haven’t yet signed-up you need to.
Once you have signed-up, open another window in your browser and login to Facebook (if you are still there), then login to your PatrioticSpace profile. Go to the Home Page and look in the upper left corner for a link that says, “Facebook Friends.” Click on that link while you are logged-in on your Facebook profile in another window and begin inviting your friends from Facebook. Facebook won’t know what hit them when Great American Patriots start moving to PatrioticSpace.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
If you are already a member of our new website, you can also do it this way:
1. Login to the new PatrioticSpace.
2. Login to Facebook in another window.
3. Click on the following link and begin inviting your friends to our new social network:
If you haven’t yet signed-up on our new PatrioticSpace social network, this is your opportunity.
- A Facebook for Patriots! You ain’t seen nothing yet
- Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg promises more suppression
- Facebook: Pic of puppy violates community standards, earns user 30-day ban
- California GOP Senate candidate Erin Cruz: Social media climate against conservatives a ‘clear and present danger’ to Republic
- Allen West: Facebook, Google, Twitter at war with conservatives; Time to fight back
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