
Dems Attempt to Cram the ERA Amendment Through Congress

It fell short of ratification previously - Dems trying a legal maneuver.

Democrats (emphasis on the “RATS” part of their name) are attempting to resurrect the ERA – or “Equal Rights Amendment” in order to push their radical ideology. It was not fully ratified by 1982 with only 35 states, and 3 more states ratified it AFTER the deadline. Now two Dems, Rep. Cori Bush and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, want to push forward a bill that says it was ratified and force the National Archivist to certify and publish that it is law.

Congress passed the ERA in 1972 with a seven-year deadline for ratification, but only 35 states ratified it by 1982, falling short of the required three-quarters of states. Democratic New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Democratic Missouri Rep. Cori Bush will introduce a proposal Thursday which ignores the deadline, states that the ERA has already been ratified as the 28th Amendment and urges the National Archivist to certify and publish it immediately, according to the NYT.

“For us, it is already done. The E.R.A. is the 28th Amendment. We just need the archivist to publish it,” Bush said, according to the NYT. Daily Caller

The ERA states that “equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” It also gives the Federal Government enforcement authority.

The original ERA was introduced in 1923, three years after the 19th amendment gave women the legal right to vote. Forty-nine years later and with a deadline attached, it was ratified by only 35 states by June of 1982. The required quota of three other states ratified it in 2020, seriously after the original deadline. Dems will ignore the deadline in order to show that it was ratified ‘legally.’ What about gender “identity” and what kind of a mess would that be? A big one.

The Women’s Suffrage movement won the right to vote in the 19th amendment.

Since the ERA failed then, women have made giant-sized leaps forward – without a special amendment. They won Title IX that transgenders are attempting to destroy. There are hundreds of thousands of women who have succeeded in breaking that “glass ceiling” — all without any special amendment. There are women police officers now. There are women doctors, firefighters, pilots, military service members in combat roles…women who have fought hard and didn’t need a special amendment. The problem is that the language of the amendment could allow the legal erasure of women entirely – because of the transgender issue.

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Women in many sports have fought to keep biological men out of their competitions and their locker rooms. The International Cycling Unit (UCI) recently banned transgenders from participating in Women’s Cycling. The ERA would seriously cripple women’s sports. From schools to colleges, to professional sports, transgenders have caused a sticking point to the advances women have made over the years. The ERA would only exacerbate that problem. It’s all well and good to talk about “equal rights” for women, but when push comes to shove, we will have no rights at all if the ERA is revived.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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