If Democrats nominated Satan, the media would worship him

Journalism, or at least what we think journalism should be, is officially dead. The pro-Democrat Party bias in the so-called “mainstream media,” or as we call it, the “Democrat-media complex,” is so bad that operatives — formerly known as “reporters” — would probably worship Satan himself if Democrats nominated him to the White House, all the while attacking opponents as racist bigots.
Alas, Satan apparently wasn’t available for the most recent primary season, so Democrats picked the next best choice — Hillary Clinton, quite possibly the most evil person ever nominated to the White House by a major party.
The media, which generally sides with Democrats anyway (and has for years) naturally decided they wanted Clinton and her puppet-master, George Soros, in the White House.
Nothing unusual there — but recent revelations made public by Wikileaks show just how bad the situation really is.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Now we know that Democrats and certain members of the biased media actually colluded to help Clinton in any way they could.
Worse yet, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly said that at least three media organizations have ordered employees to “destroy” Trump — or else. So much for objectivity.
And that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. On Wednesday, Newsbusters’ Nike Ciandella reported:
Since Friday, ABC, CBS and NBC have inundated viewers with more than 200 minutes on a tape showing Trump making inappropriate remarks. However, these same networks gave 24 minutes, 5 seconds to the Wikileaks release of multiple years’ worth of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s staff – but very little of this coverage was on specific emails or issues that were brought up by the emails.
Imagine that.
As we’ve reported, the media, acting as a de facto arm of the government, demanded Gov. Rick Scott break Florida law to help Clinton, misrepresented Trump’s statements, edited statements by Bill Clinton to help Hillary, acted as a participant in presidential debates, then whined when Trump supporters expressed anger over the bias.
The anger at the media is so palpable that 20,000 Trump supporters at a rally in North Carolina made their feelings known, much to the chagrin of the Clinton propagandists sent to “cover” the event.
Here’s video of that:
As a result of the media’s blatant one-sided “coverage,” practically no one trusts it anymore.
And the talking heads and opinion-makers still don’t understand why.
Maybe it’s time for conservatives to vote with their remote control. After all, these organizations live by ratings. Without viewers, the ratings go down.
Maybe then they’ll get the message.
But who am I kidding?
- Marine veteran shreds dishonest media for twisting Trump’s statement on PTSD
- CNN: Fix is in: First question to Hillary will be about Trump tape
- Wikileaks: Hillary, cronies plotted ways to discredit Trey Gowdy
- CNN falsely adds ‘racial’ to Trump’s comments on vetting
- Videos: CNN-owned HLN censors Trump supporter’s t-shirt — Got Stalin?
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