Delusional: Debbie Wasserman Schultz claims GOP opposing Obamacare because people will like it

On Tuesday, DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed on Twitter that the reason Republicans are opposed to Obamacare is because — wait for it — they know it will work and Americans will like it.
Seriously. Despite every poll showing that a majority do not support the bill.
Why are Republicans desperately trying to stop #Obamacare? Because they know it'll work and Americans will like it.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) September 24, 2013
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Reaction is pretty much what you’d expect.
— Brittany (@bccover) September 24, 2013
Our sentiments exactly.
Amanda Carpenter, the Cruz aide who was viciously attacked by Democrat hatemonger Allan Brauer, weighed in:
Her boss, by the way, is currently filibustering Obamacare in the Senate “until I am no longer able to stand.”
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