
The Cult of Islam: Mohammedans, A Danger To Western Civilization. (Past) Time To Tell The Truth.

Author: Adina Kutnicki 


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AS always, to unmask the black heart of the cult of Islam, it is intrinsic to pierce through the murderous veil of Islam’s supreme role-model and prophet, Mohammed, the author of the Quran. The madman.

THE FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM OF ISLAM is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is God’s word, and so they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it.

What they find in the Koran came from the mind of Muhammad, and for insight into the mental condition of this “prophet,” consider Chapter 33 of his Koran, entitled “The Confederates.” This is one of the chapters Muhammad composed in Yathrib (later called Medina) where he fled after his Meccan compatriots realized they needed to kill him to preserve their way of life.

The chapter is like a wild theme park ride that races in and out of numerous topics. In the 73 verses that make up the chapter, Muhammad covers the following in the God-voice he used for the Koran: He recaps a recent battle with the Meccans and excoriates people who were afraid to fight and die for him; he gloats about his extermination of the men and boys of one of the Jewish tribes of Yathrib, the confiscation of their property, and the enslavement of their women and children; he authorizes himself to take as many wives as he likes, permits himself to marry the wife of his adopted son, forbids himself from taking any more wives after he has taken as many as he likes, but allows himself sex slaves.

As the verses of this “revelation” continue, Muhammad imposes full body and face cover for women when outside the home, threatens people with humiliating punishment in the afterlife for annoying him, threatens to murder his critics, prohibits the practice of adoption, and dishes up images of sadistic torture in Hell awaiting people who don’t believe in him. He also praises himself as a “lamp spreading light,” and holds his behavior as a “beautiful pattern” for people to follow if they want to score well with Allah.

Among the verses is a celestial advisory that he must be obeyed:

“It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.” (Koran 33:36) [All of the Koran quotes in this article are taken from the Yusuf Ali translation.]……continue reading….

AS per the bastardization by HUSSEIN, the ultimate jive-talker:

“So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.”….even as some Islamic leaders do pierce the veil:

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”…..and so on and so forth…..

MIND you, with all their ravaging encircling the globe (which is wholly linked to the bloody footprints of nihilistic indoctrinated Mohammedans, bound as they are to necrophilia), the piercing of Muhammad’s veil, hence, Islam’s, would seem like the most urgent task at hand – or so one would think – for each and every rational western leader. Alas, the facts entirely support that the opposite is the case, as the so-called leadership lend said barbarians protective and “legitimate” cover. Yes, as is often opined, followers of Islam are really “peaceful” in nature. So those who distort said religion are not only un-Islamic, rather, they are criminals! Hogwash. Intrinsically, we are to believe that millions upon millions are warping Islam’s tenets, even as the Quran is very clear as to what Mohammedans must do to be “good” and faithful Muslims.

  • “But do not think of those that have been slain in God’s cause as dead. Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance. They are very happy with the reward they received from Allah (for dying as a shaheed) and they rejoice for the sake of those who have not joined them (i.e., have not yet died for Allah).” (Quran 3:169-70)
  • “Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure” (Quran 61:4).
  • “Allah has purchased the believers, their lives and their goods. For them (in return) is the Garden [of paradise]. They fight in Allah’s Cause, and they slay and are slain; they kill and are killed . . . it [paradise] is the promise of Allah to them.” (Quran 9:111)….and on and on the killing of infidels is mandated….

BUT never mind. In reality, western leaders, for the most part, are completely mired in multicultural confusion and psychosis, having been schooled within academia which places NO moral judgment, nor constraint, on anything, despite the enveloping evil. Period. Making matters exponentially worse, those who understand what must be done are inestimably terrified to touch this incendiary topic. In tandem, some have actually adopted Laurence of Arabia-like mindsets. Inherently, they viscerally find themselves identifying with Islam, the west’s mortal foe.

REGARDLESS, rational westerners must push them aside, and if necessary step over them. Besides, men and women whose eyes and ears are open and possess a modicum of learning (and reality-based thinking) can only conclude that Islam is a unique form of paganism. Not only that, they must understand that the actions of Mohammedans are sanctified in the name of one of the three so-called Abrahamic religions, raising the level of confusion that much higher.

George Weigel, the Catholic theologian, wrote this about Islam in Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism (2008):

Islam’s deep theological structure includes themes that render the notion of “three Abrahamic faiths” ultimately misleading in understanding Islam’s faith and practice – particularly if this trope is understood in the popular imagination as a matter of three equivalent legs propping up a single monotheistic stool.

DESPITE the above, there is no excuse for inaction because we all have a part to play. No westerner of majority age can afford to sit on the sidelines. It is untenable. Most especially, individuals who claim to value honesty and integrity must step up. Moreover, our families, communities and everything we hold dear are in their cross hairs. Understood? 

ONCE again, if starting points are required to gird up for this (seemingly) Herculean western struggle, so be it.

INCONTROVERTIBLY, the proofs within these pages (and elsewhere) go on ad infinitum, and with no end in sight.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, we must cease – any and all – pussyfooting around. Instead, we need to start listening to (the few and far between) experts in this arena, one of whom is Dave Gaubatz.

For years I have written long articles about the subject of Islam. Conservatives still want to pacify Islam by giving it a get out of jail free card. Deep down most conservatives opine Islam is evil and dangerous, but most conservatives in power will not publicly say this. I love Donald Trump, but even he gives Islam a free ride by indicating Islam and most Muslims are peaceful, and Islam has been hijacked by a few radicals.
The facts:
  • Islam has been nothing but evil, violent, and dangerous to Christians and the Jewish people. Islam is satanic.
  • Islam is harmful to our children.
  • Islam is dangerous to the non-Muslim world. Islam violates the rights of children and women. Islam is the cause of 99% of the wars throughout the world.
  • Islam advocates the extreme hatred of Jews and Christians. Islam and Muslims hate and despise the U.S. Constitution.
  • Islam advocates slavery, child marriages, the rape of women and girls, the hatred of non-Muslims, and their ultimate goal is a world caliphate under sharia law. There is no reason for Americans or others to be led into the false belief that Islam is peaceful and billions of Muslims are peaceful.
  • The reality is Islam is dangerous and anyone, and I stress anyone who defines himself or herself as a practicing Muslim is evil and a danger to the world.. Politicians act as they can lead the world into believing Islam has a role in our world. Islam should only be past history. It needs to be destroyed as well as those who advocate everything Isis and al Qaeda advocate.
  • Spread the word: Islam has no purpose in our world. 


MOST significantly, an increasing portion of Mohammedans are waging global jihad in anticipation of the ultimate “reward” promised via the Quran, that is, freedom from death. You read that right.

IN a nutshell, as insane as it sounds to westerners, they truly believe that if they kill in the name of Allah, or die under his sword and banner, they will be gifted immortality. Thereby, death, as most westerners conceive it, will elude them due to their “sacred” acts for Allah. Did you ever?

MORE specifically, it is beyond deluded, never mind downright dangerous, to think that vanquishing ISIS is where it is at. Yes, stopping their deadly march is an absolute imperative. However, and this should NEVER be forgotten, ISIS (AKA ISIL) is merely a symptom of the Islamic disease. Metastasis. For if a disproportionate and all consuming focus is on one specific terror hydra, namely, ISIS, we simultaneously strengthen other foes in Syria, Iran, Lebanon (ala Hezbollah) and the like.

IN point of fact, under the Orwellian (and highly anti-American) umbrella of HUSSEIN’s leadership, U.S. forces are deeply enmeshed with the likes of Shia and “moderate” Sunni jihadists, in the name of vanquishing ISIS! In effect, they are propping up other subsets of “Death to America” forces to stop ISIS. In other words, by extrapolation, the stature of said equally dangerous antagonists become strengthened. They become the “good” guys. Dear G-d….  

EVEN so – admittedly, a seemingly impossible task – in so far that a billion plus people on planet Earth are in Islam’s lethal vise-grip, pray tell, what other options are there? Granted, it will take many, many years to release the world from its death-hold. Still yet, isn’t it wiser to start – and now – the life-affirming process so that future generations will not suffer under the boot and sword of Mohammedans? 

THUS, the only hope to eventually cease Islam’s killing machine, its march and blight upon humanity, is to unmask and vanquish it from every western shore, even if it means killing millions of its committed adherents. After all, if this wasn’t the case during WW 2, we must internalize that Nazism would have spread to every corner of the globe. But to be sure, it was much easier to demonstrate the true evil of Nazism (communism alike) because it never posed as a monotheistic religion. Its essence always lied in atheism and racial superiority.

KNOW that Mohammedans view their struggle against the west as a war to the death. To the finish. Uncompromising. 

To wit,

IF not us, who? IF not now, when? 

 Image result for pics of if not us, who, if not now, when

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