
Conservative Talker Josh Bernstein Pays Price For Telling Truth in 2020: More Big Tech Censorship

There’s an old saw that tells us the further society gets from the truth the more they will hate those that speak it. Conservative TV talk show host Josh Bernstein is the living embodiment of this statement.

Bernstein has a reputation of covering stories that a majority of the media on the left, right, and middle wouldn’t touch. If you’ve ever seen one of his broadcasts you would know what I mean. America’s favorite Bald Bad-Ass, as he is known by his legion of fans, has just been canceled by the tyrants of Big Tech.

His crime? For covering Project Veritas’s video on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s ballot harvesting scheme in Minneapolis. (You can see that video here) Bernstein, no stranger to controversy, is a thorn in the far lefts side, even seemingly taking pleasure in exposing their deception and lies. But there is a price to pay for being so bold…

In just the last two weeks alone this is the PRICE he has PAID for telling the TRUTH…

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

  1. He had his PATREON Page removed with 550 Patrons for something he did not even post on their site.
  2. He had his ROKU TV CHANNEL pulled from their servers with 3,900 Subscribers. (they never even notified him or sent him an email)
  3. He had his Facebook Page removed after 5 years losing 4,956 friends. (Again NO warning)
  4. He had his Twitter account suspended for 7 days which has already been shadowbanned for three years with 12,000 followers.
  5. And perhaps worst of all, Bernstein had BOTH of his YouTube Channels removed (One had 133,000 subscribers and the other had 18,000 subscribers)

I had a chance to catch up with Josh a few days after this happened to him and he was, as he always is in the face of adversity, confident and defiant. I asked him what his plans were next.

“Well, I am never going to stop telling the people of America the truth. I have built my reputation as an accurate truthful reporter and I will rebuild it the same way.”  He continued, “Big Tech thinks they can silence me? Think Again. I will come back even stronger this time and I will do it despite of them and on my terms.”

Clarifying his statement further, Bernstein said he has started his own website called Josh Bernstein Uncensored which he says is safe, secure, up and running and already growing in leaps and bounds.

He said right now his fans are having a harder time trying to find him but he is working hard to create different avenues for them to find him like doing interviews such as this. Please share Josh’s story and help him rebuild his audience by becoming a member of his show. Josh is something in very short supply these days; a truthful investigative journalist.

Josh BernsteinThe only way our First Amendment is going to survive is if we support those who are willing to defend it.

I’ve personally known Josh for 10 years, since the days we both wrote for Examiner.com.  He’s graciously allowed me to come on his program more than once and I consider him a good friend.  In my opinion, you will not find a more faithful defender of freedom than Josh Bernstein.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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