
Chinese Hackers Broke Into US Treasury Workstations… Does Joe Care?

Manchurian Candidate questions are back on the table

Some of us have been asking from Day One whether Joe Biden is a compromised candidate. Whether financial ties to China have corrupted him, and whether he will put private interests above national safety.

The newly-surfaced photo of Joe introducing Hunter to Xi did NOT help any.

Nor did the failure to stop the Chinese spy balloon.

Nor did his failure to stop tens of thousands of Chinese nationals — men of military age — from sauntering over our border.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Nor did shutting down Trump-era anti Chinese-spy policies, claiming they were ‘racist’.

Eventually, data points can fill a picture so fully that there are no more dots to connect. It feels like we’re getting really close to that point with Joe Biden and China.

This week, we’ve learned that China is still at work in penetrating our most sensitive institutions. Not only have they hacked several of our telecom companies, stealing God-knows-what sensitive information about subscribers and US tech, but now we’re finding out they hacked their way into the US Treasury, too.

The United States Treasury Department on Monday notified Congress that a China-backed group hacked workstations in the department earlier this month.

The alleged incident occurred on Dec. 8, when a Chinese-backed agent used a stolen key to remotely access workstations and unclassified documents, according to CNN.

“Based on available indicators, the incident has been attributed to a Chinese state-sponsored Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actor,” Aditi Hardikar, assistant secretary for management at the US Treasury, wrote in the letter.

A department spokesperson said the stations that were impacted have been taken offline and officials are working with federal law enforcement to investigate the incident. — JustTheNews

Foreign actors exploited remote access to our computers.


And what has the Biden admin been busy trying to do from the moment the election results went against them?

Among other things, they’re working to lock in ‘remote work’ for the duration of the Trump Presidency.

Was this his own ‘get Trump’ idea? Or did China come up with it?

At this point, is there even any daylight between those two possibilities?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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