
China Moving To Eliminate Any ‘Visible Evidence Of Christianity’

China long has persecuted Christians, censoring and suppressing them, formalizing all sorts of discrimination against them, even jailing and killing them.

Even when the government there was printing Bibles, the suppression was there, as it only allowed people to have Bibles the government deemed allowable.

Now a new report is warning that the Communist regime is trying to suppress any visible presence of Christianity.

According to a report from the Christian Institute, it is Release International, which focuses its ministry on helping Christians around the globe, that said new restrictions have popped up in China.

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“According to RI, the new measures confine all religious activities to official venues and ban the outdoor display of religious symbols,” the report said.

And, it said, “Places of worship can also no longer be named after denominations, churches or individuals, and religious leaders must clearly show they are ‘supporting’ the Communist Party and leadership.”

The moves have become like, according to RI CEO Paul Robinson, the “tightening of screws designed to eliminate the visible presence of Christianity in China.”

Now it’s illegal to post evangelical Christian content online without special permission from the Communist Party.

“Under the regulations, only the five officially sanctioned religions – Three-Self Church Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Daoism, Buddhism and Islam – are eligible to apply for a special license,” the report said.

The rapidly surging house churches of Christians specifically are barred from sharing anything of a religious nature online, the report said.

A large Protestant church in the city known as “China’s Jerusalem” was demolished on the orders of local leaders. Sanjiang church, in the eastern city of Wenzhou, took six years and 30 million yuan ($4.8 million) to put up, but officials said it had violated building codes. Local Christians gathered at the church but were unable to stop the demolition. Unregistered “house churches” have long been the target of government crackdowns, but Sanjiang was part of the officially approved church.

One church even was banned from using “Christ” in its online message.

Release International reported the rules, from the State Administration for Religious Affairs, are intended ” to limit” religious activities.

“From September 1, all religious activity will have to be supervised by the state to make sure churches and places of worship support the leadership of China’s Communist Party,” the group reported.

Groups working with Release International explain the campaign simply is a way to impose “a complete ban on religious activities” and specifically targets house churches, where hundreds of millions worship.

Among recent campaigns was a scheme to require sermons from Christian pastors to “reflect China’s politics and the core values advocated by Chairman Xi Jinping.”

Delivering something other than the state messaging means pastors no longer are allowed to preach, the report said.

Robinson explained, “This is a further attempt to clamp down on the church in China. Yet by every account Christianity in China is growing. The number of Christians in China has long surpassed the membership of the Communist Party.”

RI partner Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid, said, “I don’t think I’ve seen the Chinese Communist Party as bold as they’ve been this summer in playing God and twisting how the gospel is taught. The only correct perspective in the eyes of the communist government is worship of the state and placing faith in Xi Jinping Thought.”

Open Doors reports there are almost 100 million Christians in China, about 7% of the nation’s population.

They have been under restrictions and surveillance for years, and those limits are tightening.

The organization bluntly confirms that it is getting harder to be a Christian in China.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Believe it or not, today’s high priests of climate-change apocalypse are correct in predicting that in just a few short years, the earth will become miserable, wretched and almost uninhabitable by human beings. But the grim future they envision won’t come about because of “catastrophic climate change,” but rather, because of the implementation of their completely insane and truly catastrophic agenda.

As Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore recently admitted, “If they actually achieve Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease.” Likewise, writes energy expert and author Alex Epstein: “Today’s proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences – making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people.”

Question: When the scientific case for global warming apocalypse consists primarily of a 1-degree Celsius rise in temperature over more than 130 years, what explains the obsession with an imminent, climate-caused end of the world?

Although many groups have been drawn into the Climate Change Cult – from the news media (which has warned of climate catastrophe, either global warming or a “new ice age,” for over a century!), to innocent school kids indoctrinated by hysterical leftist teachers, to liberal Democrats who claim “climate change” will destroy the earth in a few years – the REAL villains are the national and global elites who KNOW the apocalyptic global warming religion is just a cruel hoax, but promote and exploit it as a means of accomplishing their ultimate goal: Transforming and ruling the world.

The heart and soul of today’s bizarre, pagan climate-change religion, and the global elites’ strategies for using it to rule all of mankind, is powerfully exposed and illuminated in the September issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, an issue titled “CULT OF THE CLIMATE APOCALYPSE: The elites’ breathtaking strategy for ruling the world.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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