
Cartoon of the Day: The Cure

Cartoon of the Day: The Cure

Cartoon of the Day: The Cure.

A.F. Branco Cartoon—The country is currently suffering from a grave illness called Democratitis, and the only cure seems to be Trump. Democrats’ disastrous policies are implemented by those controlling Biden because we know Biden doesn’t have the mental faculties to implement anything.

SHOCK POLL: Reality Bites! – 84% of Americans Believe They Will Be Worse Off Under a Second Joe Biden Term

By Jim Hoft – June 10, 2024

Raheem Kassam joined Steve Bannon on Monday morning to discuss the latest YouGov presidential election poll.
Raheem scoured the latest poll and found this shocking nugget in the cross tabs: 84% of Americans believe they will be worse off under a second Joe Biden term.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

That means EVEN DEMOCRATS know life will suck under a second Biden term!

Steve Bannon: Democrats are in trouble. You’re never going to see Tester or Sherrod Brown or these guys on a stage with Joe Biden because he is the cooler, brother. Your thoughts? READ MORE…

Cross-posted with Comically Incorrect.  Used with permission.


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