
Cartoon of the Day: Kama Kameleon

Cartoon of the Day: Kama Kameleon

Cartoon of the Day: Kama Kameleon.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Kamala cast the deciding vote to sic 87,000 IRS agents on people who earn tips, but now she has cooped (Stolen) Trump’s “No Tax On Tips” promise as though it’s her own, and the media is playing along.

Shameless Kamala Harris Rips Off Trump’s Idea for No Taxes on Tips at Las Vegas Rally — Trump Fires Back with Scathing Rebuke (VIDEO)

By Mike LaChance – Aug 10, 2024

Kamala Harris is proving once again that she has never had an original idea in her life.
During her rally in Las Vegas tonight, she plugged the idea of no taxes on tips for people who work in the service industry. Her supporters cheered for the idea, many of them probably not even realizing that they were cheering for an idea that came from Trump.
This is especially ironic because Kamala Harris’s campaign has been extremely short on policy proposals. Now, she finally puts one forth, and it’s a Trump proposal.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?


Cross-posted with Comically Incorrect.  used with permission.


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