Cantor rival Mike Dickinson (Moonbat) promises massive abuses of power if elected

Mike Dickinson, the Virginia moonbat, er, Democrat, running against Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., declared on Twitter that if elected, he would engage in massive abuses of power against millions of Americans.
“If elected I promise WAR on the tea party, @FoxNews, @NRA and other trash,” he tweeted.
But that’s not all:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
So, who qualifies as “trash” in Dickinson’s alleged mind?
How about the millions of people who support the NRA and those who believe government should operate within the confines of the Constitution?
Add to that Christians, Fox News, those who watch fox News and pretty much anyone to the right of Josepf Stalin.
Recently, he attaked everyone who supports the NRA as “pure trash.”
And, he proclaimed Monday, he would use the power of his office to wage war against them.
Here’s a few more of Dickinson’s unhinged tweets:
Of course, if you disagree with him, you’re stupid:
In saner times, people like this would be placed in a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.
Nowadays, they run for office. As Democrats.
- Va. Dem. promises ‘war’ against Tea Party, NRA, Fox News if elected
- Online photos reveal Cantor rival Mike Dickinson’s war on women, media largely silent
- Va. Dem. pushes 9/11 conspiracy, says those wanting truth in Benghazi ‘unstable’
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- Virginia Dem. centers campaign on Fox News, NRA, calls Oliver North a ‘scumbag’
- Congressional candidate Mike Dickinson becomes unhinged on Twitter