
‘BREAKING: Nashville Bows Down To BLM + Watch: Rioters Turn U.S. City Into a War Zone, Attack Cops With Fireworks and Mortars’ – One By One, The Dominoes Fall (VIDEO)

{Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org}


Domestic terrorism pays handsomely, demonstrably, if upending the political (and social) system and order is the targeted goal.

This is precisely why Demsters — in concert with RINO counterparts, primarily, totalitarian leaning officials — are totally on board with protests/riots, but forbid any patriotic/ traditional displays and gatherings. Effectively, in an inversion and perversion of American principles, it is akin to liberty for thee (domestic terrorists), but not for me (patriots).

As such, Nashville is joining a continuous list of cities which are, in no uncertain terms, going down the toilet….Portland, too….falling like dominoes….

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Black Lives Matter held a protest in Nashville on Fourth of July this afternoon.

Thousands of people turned out.

The BLM protesters did not burn down the historic courthouse this time.

They already did that in June.

The Mayor of Nashville canceled the 4th of July fireworks and festivities and re-closed the restaurants and bars due to increased Coronavirus cases.

But the Black Lives Matters was allowed to protest.

So it’s OK to protest America but not to celebrate America in Nashville.

Got it?

This is the modern day left — raw hatred for their country.

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WND | C. Douglas Golden | July 5, 2020

On Thursday night into Friday morning, a group of far-left rioters attacked Portland police with fireworks.

In addition to more conventional tactics to deal with the problem, the police took an odd tack to deal with it: They went on Twitter and threatened the troublemakers.

“A riot is still declared in the area of the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center,” one tweet stated. “You must leave the area now by moving to the west. Tear gas and other crowd control munitions may be deployed. Leave the area now.”

“There are several people in this crowd starting fires, throwing rocks at officers, pointing lasers at officers, and launching projectiles with slingshots at officers,” a follow-up tweet stated. “Leave the area now or you will be subject to arrest.”

This set the tone for the weekend, particularly given that those committing violence on the street didn’t seem particularly interested in just checking their phones or shouting empty bromides.

Here was a quick rundown on the Portland police Twitter account — in the form of a video warning, because of course that’s what insurgents check before they go out and wreak havoc.

“While many [protests] have been peaceful and non-violent, we continue to experience one group with many participants who engage in nightly violence and destruction directed at police and public safety facilities,” the video relayed.

“In the past week, individuals have deliberately set fires to and near occupied buildings. Individuals have thrown baseball-sized rocks, full aluminum baseball bats and frozen water bottles at officers.

“Projectiles have also been launched at high speeds from sling shot devices, including marbles, blades, rocks and other items. On numerous occasions, commercial-grade fireworks have been directed at police.”

Andy Ngô, an independent journalist who chronicles far-left violence in the Pacific Northwest, took plenty of videos of the violence in Portland over the weekend.

The Portland Police Bureau detailed the events: “Around 12:46 a.m., demonstrators returned to the west side of the federal courthouse. Once again, demonstrators were warned by the sound truck that the riot declaration was still in effect and they needed to leave the area,” police reported in a news release.

“At this time, demonstrators started launching mortars towards the federal courthouse and a fire erupted inside of the building where the glass doors had been broken.

“Because of this immediate life safety issue, officers once again began to disperse the crowd. As they dispersed the crowd, demonstrators continued to throw rocks, cans, and commercial grade fireworks and mortars towards officers. Because of the violent nature of the demonstrators while officers cleared the area, crowd control munitions were used and several arrests were made. As officers began to disengage the crowd at Southwest Main Street and Southwest Broadway Avenue, commercial grade fireworks were once again thrown at officers.”

WARNING: The following videos contain graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.

Continue reading here….

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BOTTOM LINE: If patriots/conservatives continue to adhere to the dictates of totalitarian officials in their midst, well, who should they blame, that is, when freedom is no longer an option?

For, if anything, they have much to learn from those who have gone before them and refused to bow and cow — unreservedly, if one knows enough to take a page….or two….from America’s (revolutionary) history books!

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