
Border Patrol: Assaults Against Agents Spiked 300 Percent After Caravan

Border Patrol says they have experienced a major boost in violence at the border since the arrival of the migrant caravan. Assaults against agents have spiked 300 percent. It’s time to meet force with force!

According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it’s “immoral” to protect them or the country. We have immigration laws in place. Enforce them.

They come in huge numbers waving their flag! What does it mean? Hmmm?

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?


The Border Patrol says it has experienced a major uptick in violence at the border since the arrival of the migrant caravan.

Assaults against agents are up 300 percent compared to this time last year, according to San Diego Border Sector Chief Rodney Scott.

An agent was struck in the face shield with a rock thrown at the border on New Year’s Eve and was not injured.

“These incursions are organized they are bringing people down there for the express purpose of provoking a confrontation,” said Border Patrol agent Joshua Wilson. More

I can’t believe that we have to negotiate with our own government to enforce our laws. Keep the government shut down until we get our wall!

Cross-posted with BB4SP


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