As Toronto Sun reporter Joe Warmington told Fox News, Canada is now a police state as Dictator Justin Trudeau, a man some believe is the illegitimate son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, is using the Emergency Powers Act to browbeat and physically assault his own people.
Just yesterday, news broke that RCMP officers deliberately trampled an old woman using a walker with their horses.
This prompted Keith Olbermann, one of the most unhinged bloodthirsty hatemongers to ever sit in front of a camera, to demand more bloodshed and abuse at the hands of Trudeau’s jackbooted thugs.
“More of this, please,” he tweeted:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
This would be the "find out" part.
More of this, please. https://t.co/qRSWqxizWQ
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 19, 2022
Police in Ottawa trampled protesters with horses today. pic.twitter.com/VPLX5XpDhf
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) February 18, 2022
It seems the authorities are more than happy to comply, as Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie was deliberately clubbed in the head and shot at point-blank range with a gas canister.
3. Here is video of the attack. I understand we have more footage. Unprovoked, targeted violence, beating a woman with a stick, and shooting her at point-blank range with a tear gas round. pic.twitter.com/yQXyDL4nJL
— Ezra Levant ?? (@ezralevant) February 19, 2022
Levant says he intends to sue the police, and suggests the attack was in retaliation for a question she asked Trudeau/Castro/Hitler:
5. Trudeau has had a vendetta against Alexa ever since she asked this question of him during the election debates (after trying and failing to keep her kept out): pic.twitter.com/hPx5fR8uis
— Ezra Levant ?? (@ezralevant) February 19, 2022
Twitchy tells us Olbermann’s bloodthirsty followers were excited at the prospect of bloodshed at the hands of Trudeau’s Gestapo.
This, by the way, IS the modern left, proving yet again my decade-old thesis that liberalism is an ideology of insane bloodthirsty rage and hate. Yes, they want a bloodbath, and they want oppressive tyranny.
Let that sink in.
Exit question: How long before Dictator Trudeau starts murdering his own people?
- Unhinged Bloodthirsty Hatemonger Keith Olbermann: Trump Should Be Executed Over 220,000 Times — Once For Each COVID Death (Video)
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