BLM Documents Point to a Massive Federal Land Grab

Fresh off a temporary loss at the Bundy ranch, a document from the Bureau of Land Management appears which appears to signal a whole new round of land grabs and changing designations of federal lands.
Once their plan is complete, Obama would be free to put the land to any use he wants. In many cases these public lands will become inaccessible to the public. The memo details ways they can take control of these lands without the approval of congress.
BLM planning documents reveal a massive land grab. And for those low information voters out there who believe it’s all innocent, the document explores ways Obama and his thugs can grab the land without Congress. Utah is set to be hit especially hard with a total of 12 new monument areas.
Rep. Bob Bishop was warned that something was up and he requested information from the government. After much stonewalling, they finally supplied him with the document. He is hopping mad. News of the possible land grab was leaked in February and Utah Senator Bob Bennett was angered by the fact the Interior Department planned on naming two areas as National Monuments that can limit the public’s access to public lands. Sen. Bennett said:
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“Instead of an open process that involves local input, the department seems to prefer to make decisions behind closed doors in Washington, where there is little accountability and no transparency. This is simply unacceptable and fuels my concern about about these documents and about this administration’s potential future actions.”