Black Founder of “Black Lives Matter,” Shaun King, is WHITE!!!!

Shades of Rachel Dolezal!!! Shaun King, one of the founders of “Black Lives Matter” is really white. Investigators looking into his background have produced evidence that King is white, despite calling himself biracial.
His mother is white and he said his father was white. That’s not what his birth certificate says. That certificate says his father was white. Blogger Vickie Pate has spent much time checking into King’s past and she made the claim that on his birth certificate, his father was a white man. Breitbart checked with Kentucky Department of Vital Statistics and confirmed that fact.
King went to college at Morehouse College, misrepresenting himself as biracial in order to get an Oprah Winfrey Scholarship, according to Pate. King has become a high profile leader of “Black Lives Matter” and is the “justice correspondent” for the Daily Kos.
King has recently made the news for lying about a fight from his younger days in which he claimed he was beaten by a gang of rednecks. As Maxwell Smart would say, “Would you believe one boy scout with a rusty can opener?”
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The fight turned out to have nothing to do with racism and was a one on one fight. On the police report he is listed as white:
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