BIG TECH COLLUSION: Google And Apple’s Secret Plan To Work As One Company

If you thought Silicon Valley was drunk on its own power now… just wait until they unite.
Pretty nearly every mobile device in the world you can find these days will run on one of two platforms. It’s Apple, or it’s Android. Android runs on Google. What happens if every device ran on ONE program?
Think about what happened when the who’s who of Silicon Valley decided that the Leader of the Free World no longer deserved a voice on any of his platforms. What did they do?
The pulled the plug on every access point he had to the digital world — not just social media, but email blasts, ecommerce, the whole 9 yards.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Then they decided that Parler, for no reason other than they didn’t like their politics, no longer deserved a seat at the table.
If the censoring of stories that ran contrary to the official COVID panic-mongering narratives, or warnings that the problems mail-in ballots in the primaries could lead to similar, larger-scale problems in the General Election could be slapped down by the goo-roos in Silicon Valley, if one of the oldest newspapers in print could be put on ice because they ran an entirely true story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, how much power do these people REALLY have over our daily lives?
Whatever your answer to that question may be… hold that thought.
Thanks to action the UK is taking as a result of information revealed in the DOJ’s lawsuit, we’re about to kick that question up a notch.
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority has been urged to investigate concerns contained in US lawsuit papers that Google and Apple are actively collaborating to drive search revenue growth.
In a complaint about changes to the use of data in Apple’s app store, online campaign group Marketers For An Open Web (MOW) has cited documents from a US Department of Justice lawsuit last October which was backed by 11 states.
These quoted an internal email saying senior Google and Apple staff discussed a ‘vision that we work as if we are one company’ when looking at search income.
The US lawsuit followed huge pressure from regulators, smaller search engines such as DuckDuckGo and app developers concerned about high fees and complex rules.
And MOW has now quoted from what it claims to be evidence in the US of ‘collusion at a very senior level between Apple and Google in relation to overall strategy’. — DAILYMAIL
In case that isn’t reason enough to raise an eyebrow about their authoritarian streaks, here are two more reasons.
Silicon Valley throwing their money around…
A WIRED analysis finds roughly 95 percent of contributions by employees of six big tech firms have gone to Trump’s Democratic challenger.
President Trump and other Republicans often complain that Silicon Valley has an anti-conservative bias. A review of campaign finance data shows that contributions by employees at some of America’s biggest tech companies are overwhelmingly going to his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.
WIRED found that employees at Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Oracle have contributed nearly 20 times as much money to Biden as to Trump since the beginning of 2019. According to data released by the Federal Election Commission, which requires individuals who contribute $200 or more to a presidential campaign to report their employer, employees at these six companies have contributed $4,787,752 to Biden and just $239,527 to Trump.
Employees at Alphabet are Biden’s biggest financial backers in Silicon Valley, having donated just shy of $1.8 million, more than one-third of the money raised from employees of the six companies. — Wired
And finding themselves a seat at the table when he takes office.
Silicon Valley works hard, but Joe Biden works harder.
Over the last several weeks, Joe Biden announced his picks for the individuals who will assist with his transition or serve in his administration.
While his nominations have differing backgrounds and viewpoints, many of them have one thing in common: a past of working for Big Tech firms.
These Big Tech firms – Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook – are the ones responsible for a mass censorship purge earlier this week on President Trump and several other key conservative figures. —HumanEvents
That was an early list, published in mid-January.
Why would they POSSIBLY want a seat at the table in DC?
Corruption? Quid Pro Joe?
If you ask our media, it’s probably nothing.
Just like that laptop of Hunter’s we’re not supposed to talk about.
Cross-posted with Clash Daily
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