
Biden Botches Joke Reagan Told In 1988, Calls Coast Guard Cadets ‘Dull’ For Not Clapping (Video)

The Gipper truly had a way with words. The same cannot be said for Sleepy Joe.

On Wednesday, a video clip went viral comparing Joe Biden and Ronald Reagan making the same joke to Coast Guard cadets. When Reagan made the joke 30 years ago, he was 77 years old in the last year of his presidency when dementia rumors were rampant. In contrast, Joe is 78 in the first year of his presidency, and the Regime Media has attempted to squash any hint of mental decline as “fake news” because you should believe them over your lying eyes.

While Regan’s flawless delivery garnered cheers, Biden’s botched joke went over like a lead balloon. Biden then took aim at his audience calling them “dull” for not reacting to his joke.

Biden gave his first commencement address as the nation’s commander in chief to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s 2021 graduating class.

However, a moment that raised eyebrows was his chiding of the cadets for not laughing at his fumbled joke.
Source: Fox News

Check out how the two men delivered the joke:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

REAGAN: My Coast Guard aides have been excellent. One of them taught me that, and I quote, “The Coast Guard is that hard nucleus about which the Navy forms in time of war.”

BIDEN: I can only assume that you’ll enjoy educating your family about how the Coast Guard is quote, “The hard nucleus around the Navy forms in times of war.” (PAUSE) You’re a really dull class. Come on, man. Is the sun getting to you?


Becket Adams, who writes commentary for the Washington Examiner gives a brief background of the joke.

Joe has a long history of plagiarism, but perhaps it isn’t fair to call out him for making the same joke as Reagan and Cheney. It is fair, however, to criticize him for telling the joke badly and then chiding the Coast Guard cadets for not clapping for Dear Leader.

Biden plagiarizes because he wants the same reaction from the crowd that the original speaker received, but there’s one big difference — not one of those men that he steals stories from is the bland mediocrity that is Joe Biden.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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