There’s unhinged, and then there’s Ellen Barkin. You may remember her, or not. Born in 1954, the 69-year-old Barkin appeared in several movies, and reportedly walked away with $40 million in her divorce from multi-billionaire banker Ronald Perelman in 2006.
Back in 2017, she suggested in no uncertain terms that conservative blogger Rusty Weiss be physically assaulted for daring to disagree with her. She also demanded North Carolina legislators perform sexual acts upon themselves for passing pro-life legislation. Let’s just say she doesn’t come across as a very nice person. At least when she’s flying a keyboard.
Earlier this month, she revived the “Trump-is-Hitler” routine common among unhinged low-information leftists — especially those in Hollywood, a.k.a., “La-La-Land,” with a tweet comparing Trump to the former German dictator and falsely claiming the former president will kill six million Jews.
“Don’t forget Hitler also launched a failed coup. A few years later he lost an election. A few more years later he was back stronger than ever. Then he murdered 6 million Jews. Sound familiar? Cuz that is exactly what’s happening here,” Barkin posted.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Don’t forget Hitler also launched a failed coup.
A few years later he lost an election.
A few more years later he was back stronger than ever.
Then he murdered 6 million Jews. Sound familiar?Cuz that is exactly what’s happening here.
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) July 17, 2023
We’re not aware of Trump actually killing anyone, but leftists like Barkin often make stupid claims without any evidence whatsoever except whatever the voices in their heads repeat from MSNBC, the official network of insane liberal rage, hate, and stupid, lying liberal propaganda.
And she didn’t stop there:
Hitler’s playbook https://t.co/gy4ZzbXE2p
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) July 17, 2023
Writing at Newsbusters, Christian Toto countered:
Does it need to be said that Trump did nothing Hitler-esque during his first four years in office? Or that he was a powerful supporter of Israel and has Jewish people in his immediate family?
Facts, logic and reason evade Trump-deranged stars like Barkin, who never suffer for unhinged views like right-leaning stars often do.
Just ask Jim Caviezel, whose sin is being an openly Christian star. The media loathes him for it., and he allegedly lost two agents for starring in “Sound of Freedom.”
Twitter (soon to be rebranded as “X”) users responded:
FDR rounded up all American Japanese citizens and interned them in camps, took everything from them telling them he was doing it for their safety!!
— Amelia Stanley (@AmeliaStanley4) July 17, 2023
What’s happening?
Do you guys forget just two years you were the ones calling to jail whoever questions mask mandates and election fraud?
You do easily forget what you have done. That is why you are troubled now.
— 七 (@qige1863) July 17, 2023
Liberals like Barkin just conveniently forget such trivia…
God I hope Hollywood crash and burns forever. You people are freaking nuts.
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) July 17, 2023
Aren’t you embarrassed to display that level of stupidity? pic.twitter.com/HIFXr0ISCU
— Hajduk Rade ☦🇺🇸🇷🇸 (@Avalatrade) July 18, 2023
She’s a Hollywood liberal. That should tell you all you need to know.
Every tweet I occasionally see from Barkin is coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.
— Dr. J.J. by the Bay (@flagg_colonel) July 17, 2023
Like this one:
Hitler redux is no joke. https://t.co/1I5w05fCZy
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) July 17, 2023
Barkin’s Twitter feed is chock full of fake news, MSNBC-level propaganda, lies, and hate. In other words, what you’d expect from a deranged, unhinged Hollywood leftist.
Yet Joe Biden is on the verge of starting WW3. Your comments are so weak, silly & immature, Ellen. The most dangerous threat to our success as a country are the policies of the Democratic Party. Your comments are always so ignorant.
— Bradley Scott 🙏🇺🇸 (@Hoosiers1986) July 17, 2023
Exactly. In fact, the Democrat Party and their sycophants in the media constitute the greatest danger America has ever faced.
Expect a lot more of this from the deranged lunatics on the left as they rile up their base with incitements to violence.
- Actress Ellen Barkin says conservative blogger should be physically assaulted
- Actress Ellen Barkin to N.C. lawmakers on pro-life bill: ‘GO F**K YOURSELVES’
- Inciting Violence, Bloodshed: Crooked Hillary Compares Trump Rallies To Hitler Rallies, Spreads Despicable Lie (Video)
- Shades Of Hitler: ABC News Political Editor Advocates ‘Cleansing’ America Of Trump Supporters
- Media largely silent as Obama compares Trump to Hitler, warns of genocide
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