Barack Obama, liberal policies fan the flames of racism against White America

Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States on a promise of hope and change. Hope for a better America, hope for a more prosperous America, and hope for a more united America. Along with his historic election came an even more historic opportunity. The ability to help heal race relations once and for all in this country.
But that opportunity was never taken advantage of. Instead of trying to unite Americans of every color, every creed, and of every socio-economic status, this President has chosen instead to use identity politics and class warfare to systematically and intentionally divide this nation.
Once thing is for certain, Barack Obama is not stupid. He may not be able to give a speech without a teleprompter but thats because he doesn’t have to. He is well on his way to accomplishing exactly what he said he would do; fundamentally transform America.
His complete disdain for America, the Constitution, and anything having to do with Christian-Judeo Values is quite remarkable. The Constitution to a power hungry leftist like our President is nothing more than a speed bump in the road. Who better to drive around those speed bumps than a Constitutional scholar?
The Democratic Party was very smart. They knew what most of the people in this country did not know. That America was ready to elect its first minority President. They knew if they could find someone who could appeal to both White and Black America; with the help of the media they could get that person over the finish line.
Enter Senator Barack Hussein Obama.
A half Black, half White Illinois Senator a majority of Americans never even heard of. The left introduced Barack Obama to America as a living savior. They put him on a pedestal as if he was the second coming of Christ himself. He became a mystifying, mesmerizing, public figure. His loyal fans were very cult like and much like the Manson family probably would’ve done just about anything for their new leader.
Barack Obama ran on a platform of divide. He said he would “tax the rich” and make them “pay their fair share”. Then he promised free healthcare, free education, free this, and free that. He was the modern day version of Robin Hood.
But like all fairytales eventually you have to wake up and realize they are not real. What the President didn’t tell Americans is that nothing in life is free; especially if it comes from the government. When you allow your government to provide for you there are always strings attached to their percieved generosity. Usually it is in the form of your liberty and freedom.
After his selection, (let’s face it there was no way the left and the media were not going to make him win) America’s race relations showed real promise. His selection gave most Americans new hope. White America was finally able to wash away the stain of slavery, and Black America was finally able to heal, forgive, and feel as though they were now equal.
But that all changed. Instead just the opposite happened. With millions of people out of work, a fledgling economy, and a tanking housing market, the President intentionally made things worse. Instead of lowering taxes, he wanted to raise them. Instead of cutting spending, he increased it. Instead of solving problems he created new ones. But the worst thing he did was start to dismantle healing hearts through discrimination and victimization.
His political positions started to alienate certain groups of Americans. His anti-business pro government policies angered the majority of small business owners in the country. His anti-coal stance was responsible for the loss of hundreds if not thousands of jobs throughout rural America. His contraception mandate angered the 77 million Catholics in the country. His numerous attempts to pass anti Second Amendment legislation angered the more than 80 million gun owners in the country, and his healthcare bill will affect almost every single person in one way or another.
A large ideological divide started to deepen and take hold and is now larger than the Grand Canyon.
The President and his cheerleading squad in the media started to protect him by pulling the race card every single time someone disagreed with his policies. If you were against taxing the rich you were for keeping minorities poor. If you were against increasing spending you were somehow considered un-American. If you were a climate change skeptic you were for dirty air and water. If you were against the government taking over your healthcare decisions you were for denying the poor medical care and for pushing grandma over a cliff.
A majority of Black Americans foolishly started to buy into these arguments. With the help of groups like the NAACP, The New Black Panther Party, and so called civil rights leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson; America is getting dangerously close to an all out race war.
The race hustlers and poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton have hi-jacked the Civil Rights Movement and cheapened its meaning. In the past 20-30 years they have managed to use the guise of civil rights as a means of victimization and as a result have cultivated a culture of hate. They use charges of false racism as a weapon against White America. Couple that with political correctness and a complicit media and you have the makings of a very dangerous situation.
When our media purposely hides story after story of Black on White crimes and gleefully goes out of its way to report on White on Black crimes you know you have a major problem. That is why it is so important that the new media continues to expose the old media. The old media thankfully is a dying breed. Like dinosaurs that used to roam the earth billions of years ago they will eventually become extinct. With the internet, social media, and talk radio the old media hopefully will become a thing of the past.
White and Black Americans overall have come along way since the days of slavery. They have survived as a people despite Democratic Party policies like Jim Crow Laws and segregation. They have managed to prosper despite being considered 3/5th of a person and denied the right to vote by Southern Democrats.
Most Americans are not inherently racist. Too often one’s ideological difference gets misinterpreted as racism. Black Americans must learn to forgive but never forget. They must learn to not judge this generation for the sins of another. White Americans must continue to open their hearts and minds to their Black brothers and sisters. If we can continue to open hearts and minds we can repair the country and heal the nation.
For the record I vehemently oppose this President and his policies. I am counting down the days until he is finally out of office. I think his policies have set America back at least 25 to 30 years. I don’t think he is qualified to hold the office of dog catcher, let alone the Presidency.
However, like most Americans I have absolutely no issue with the President’s skin color. I believe as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that you should judge a man not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.
Josh Bernstein is the host of the very popular Grit and Grace Show which is live both Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8-10pm or anytime by clicking on this link: “Talk Radio, without talking points.”
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