
Avowed Purpose of Leftists: Destroy Your Joy, Kill Christmas, Make You Miserable, Control Everything You Do.

They will ultimately fail.

The avowed purpose of all leftists is wide: destroy your joy, kill Christmas, make you miserable, control everything you do. They glue themselves to various places, they attempt to destroy valuable art, they attempt to ruin Christmas by ruining Christmas trees or wrecking Christmas displays and seeding elementary schools with satanic bulls***.  These actions are from different leftist groups, including, but not limited to the Climate cultists, atheists, and the antisemitic ignoramuses. It’s a veritable soup of crazies. But ultimately, they will fail in their mission.

Example: disrupt the traditional tree lighting in New York City. Kill Christmas over political views.

On November 29, a group of antisemitic protesters attempted to derail the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center in New York. When they couldn’t reach that tree, they turned to the tree at the News Corp building. They displayed a swastika, and chanted “Free, Free, Palestine.” You can see the attempt at disruption here at this link from the New York Post.

But while the crowd was annoyed at their attempts to disrupt the celebration, they went to see the trees anyway and refused to be deterred.

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“Politics has no place at an event like this, but that’s exactly why they do it — to disrupt the status quo, to ruin the things we cherish and take comfort in. The Christmas tree brings a message of peace, not conflict. That’s why we’re gathered here today, not to protest but to welcome in the holiday season. None of this mob activity is going to take that away from us.” Lillian Gonzalez, Bronx resident

It’s the avowed purpose of leftists.

Example: Climate cultists with orange spray-paint

Then there are the Climate Cult Members who attempt to disrupt everything from traffic to spray-painting famous artworks.  Their favorite color seems to be orange, for some reason. Or gluing themselves to the showrooms of cars they don’t like. Or wrecking Christmas trees.

Radical climate activists launched a series of coordinated strikes against public Christmas trees throughout Germany on Wednesday morning in response to the supposed climate “catastrophe”.

The so-called ‘Last Generation’ green activist group sprayed public Christmas trees with orange paint in Berlin and six other German cities on Wednesday morning, including festively adorned trees in Potsdam Square and the tree outside the nearby Federal Council building in Berlin.” Kurt Zindulka at Breitbart

(Please note in the above video that they were not confronted in any way by authorities. Which is a major part of the problem – letting them get away with their antics).

I’ll be polite and call it mass psychosis, and all leftists are impacted by it. With climate cultists John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, and Al Gore at the forefront like the pied pipers of doom, millions of people have drunk the Kool-Aid. With propaganda liars like Hamas and CAIR, more millions have drunk that same batch of Kool-Aid. PETA has championed removing turkey, pork and beef by running through grocery stores with frozen meat, demanding you remove it all from your Holiday dinners (Bill Gates is assisting that narrative, by the way). It’s a total mess. But they will lose.

Why will they fail?

Recently, a Turkish lawmaker went on a tirade against Israel as he said, “Israel will suffer the wrath of Allah” – he suffered a heart attack and collapsed.

You can say it was just a man with a bad heart who over-stressed himself, or you can think about the words he spoke before the heart attack. Hopefully he will think about it if he survives.

“He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then He will speak to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His fury, saying, ‘As for Me, I have set my King on Zion, My holy hill.’”

Psalm 2:5-6, ESV

THAT is why they will all fail. The One True Living God will guide us in our responses to the crazies. But the day is coming when they will all answer to Him.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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