
Arizona Rally: Open Carry Pro-lifer Surrounded by Mob of Leftists

Anthony DeWitt is a former law enforcement cadet who is a pro-lifer. When he went to an Arizona rally in Phoenix on May 3, he believes his open carry firearm may have saved his life. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a mob of shrieking pro-abortion protesters. He was immediately thankful for his open-carry firearm – he believes it kept the crazies at bay. But others weren’t so lucky – and police did not intervene to stop the leftists from accosting the pro-lifers. Approximately 1,500 protesters were in attendance.

“I want to be very clear about this—I wasn’t carrying to intimidate. I was carrying for personal safety and the right to preserve my life [if] I am attacked or in fear of my life. I had people screaming at me to pull out my gun. People were taunting me. I had people yelling at me to pull it out and shoot them. People were yelling at me to pull it out and shoot myself…

The mental strain of being yelled and screamed at takes a lot out of you. Other people might have been concealed-carrying, but I didn’t see any other protesters carrying…

Anthony DeWitt

Reports from the rally stated that though police were there, they did not do anything to help. Police did claim to make two arrests during the Arizona rally.

Other conservative students and pro-life supporters at the rally also found themselves being pushed, shoved, insulted, and even spat on by crowds of protesters whose numbers were estimated at more than 1,000.

Jack Fink, 20, a digital marketing student at Arizona State University and a member of Students for Kari [Lake] for governor, said a protester grabbed his hat and another spat on him.

Lake has vowed to sign pro-life legislation if elected governor.

“They were just mad that I was wearing a ‘Kari Lake for Governor’ hat and shirt. They pushed me, took my hat, and spat on me. Later in the evening, another group that was mobbing me had all their signs in my face. I couldn’t see at all,” Fink told The Epoch Times.

Fink said the protesters weren’t interested in having a “civil discussion.”

“I knew [the protesters] tend to get a little rowdy, but I wasn’t expecting to get assaulted. I was pretty scared. These people were ready to fight [but] I felt I needed to be down there to record it and to let [the public] know what these people were about.”

The Epoch Times

As we have remarked before, the left has no desire to have a rational conversation. They want their way and they could care less about anyone else’s viewpoint. Some states and cities bar people from carrying weapons at a protest or rally, so if you want to do it, be sure to check the local laws. DeWitt is to be commended for keeping his cool in the midst of the screaming and yelling during this Arizona rally.


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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