Analysis: How To Destroy Critical Race Theory With Just One Sentence

At school board meetings across the nation, the battle is on. This one sentence destruction of Critical Race Theory can help parents in their efforts.
Day-in and day-out, the fascist Democrat party seeks to divide and thereby destroy American society. One of their crowbars to tear things apart is race.
To turn Americans against one another. It’s the Marxist way to crumble a society into dust so they can control it.
Interestingly the Democrat Party idea about race is the Nazi race idea. That all is based on race. And a person is not defined by his/her individual character, but simply by their race. And the Democrat idea is the Nazi race idea that the “white race” and “black race” are at war. That every single white person is a soldier on behalf of oppression. A society at war is a society the Democrats can control.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Day-in and day-out in the Democrat-Media Complex, in their Nazi ideology universities, and now in public schools, Nazi Critical Race Theory is taught.
Fake intellectuals, most of whom are not very bright, including Kimberlé Crenshaw. Robin Diangelo, Ibram Kendi, and endless Marxist sock puppets, use a confused fake intellectual language to spew forth what is a Nazi Critical Race Theory.
These fake CRT “intellectuals” fail to understand that they have made themselves into modern day slaves.
CRT advocates are self-appointed slaves to the WHITE LIBERALS. That’s right and said correctly! These so-called intellectual leaders espousing Nazi Critical Race Theory are doing the bidding of the White Liberals.
They detest black heroes such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Frederick Douglass. And do everything they can to silence and hide their words. Because the words of true leaders would bury them.
For example, Malcolm X said it boldly and he said it right:
“The greatest danger to the black man is the white liberal.”
The vast majority of Americans reject Nazi Critical Race Theory. And they are who is fighting back. Democrat Nazi tyrants fear this resistance so much they use a weaponized Department Of Justice against parents who dare speak the truth in school board meetings.
Still Americans of all races are standing, taking the flack. When there’s flack it means we are over the target. And we see this resistance in school boards and in elections all over America. White, black, Asian, Hispanics are now coming together against the Nazi Democrat Ideology because they see the truth and see the results before their very eyes what the Nazi regime Democrats have done to our country in 10 short months.
To help in the battle, it’s good to know the enemy, know the Democrat Party for the evil they are. There is very little difference if any, between the Nazi Party in Germany in the mid-1930’s and the Democrat Party today. We are facing a brutal, calculated group of endless liars.
Knowing that our political, social, economic resistance is in part a battle of words, can we find a battle axe to blunt quickly the Nazi race lies of CRT?
Certainly we can find many, and use them all. Here is one suggestion:
We condemn and crush the idea that any individual person is responsible for actions taken by other people.
And might as well add:
We reject Democrat Nazi Critical Race Theory.
There it is. Just a few words. It won’t win the battle, but it’s a good battle cry against the fake intellectual Nazi race movement, Critical Race Theory.
Every leftist who is part of what is now clearly an organized effort to take over schools and indoctrinate our children in Nazi ideology, should hear that sentence at every public meeting.
We condemn and crush the idea that any individual person is responsible for actions taken by other people!
Hopefully this will help parents at school boards meetings across the nation, and be useful in the entire national effort to debunk CRT Nazi racism.
Know the enemy
Know ourselves
In 1,000 battles, 1,000 victories
Dr. Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and other forms of alternative energy. He gave up on solar and wind, long ago.
Solar panels don’t work at night. And wind turbines don’t turn at optimal or even strong speed even 40% of the time. They are horribly inefficient.
What’s worse he and his colleagues have made the case that it’s going to by much much colder because the sun is entering a cool phase called a solar minimum.
The coming mini-Ice Age… why it is happening, and what it will be like are in this award winning book on Amazon. Thrilling reading that breaks the Green New Deal lies:
- Critical Race Trove Uncovered in California Teaches Kids Witchcraft
- Federal Critical Race Theory Program Removes Term ‘Critical Race Theory’ to Pretend It Isn’t About Critical Race Theory
- The BIG LIE: Here’s Proof Virginia Is Teaching Critical Race Theory
- GOP Rep. Bob Good Seeks to Defund Critical Race Theory in Public Schools
- Terry McAuliffe: Critical Race Theory A ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Created By Trump, GOP Opponent (Audio)
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