Analysis: COVID Face Masks Are Not About Health, They Are About Forcing a “Culture of Silence, Slavery, and Social Death”
I’m pretty sure that it isn’t healthy for humans to breathe their own carbon dioxide. I’m also pretty sure that the face masks we (in my home state of formerly liberty-loving Texas, at least) are being forced to wear are practically useless in stopping the spread of COVID-19 unless it is form-fitted with an airtight seal all the way around. But, never mind all of that, it makes snowflakes feel good. It virtue signals to the world that, “Hey, I’m a wonderful, conscientious person doing my part to save the world.”
No, you’re not. You’re a moronic sheep, bleating your grateful submission to your fascist masters. The COVID mask is a symbol of oppression, silence, slavery, never intended to prevent or mitigate a scamdemic, but to promote one.
Now that the left has discovered their new scamdemic toy, will the world ever return to its pre-COVID normalcy? I doubt it. Leftists, all about control and manipulation, will play this new terror card every chance they get to snatch ever-increasing bits of control and power incrementally. They will destroy and have destroyed our economy without a care, then attempt to hang the disaster around the neck of President Trump.
The health and well-being of We the People is of no concern to the left. All that matters is that they are in complete control, and COVID has given them that control. They now have the ability to manipulate our economy completely via fear, to ignore our Constitution and mandate our compliance in the name of the “collective” good. Through their complicit media stooges, they can turn up the fear or turn it down, whichever the manipulation du jour demands.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Your resistance is futile. You must comply. Should you revolt and remove your mask in public, craving the sweet air of freedom, you will be punished. The severity of your punishment is dependent upon how long it takes you to comply. But, you WILL comply!
And, when the enforcers come for you for your non-compliance, you will be told the same thing the Jews were told as they were stuffed into the ovens – “just doing my job, sir (or ma’am).”
By Molly McCann, from The Federalist:
On May 26, Virginia’s Gov. Ralph Northam announced that wearing masks outside one’s home will be mandatory effective May 29. He first hinted he might issue a masking order a week ago, likely to test the water.
A new refrain in public discourse is growing in volume by the day: “Things will never be the same.” The certainty with which we are assured of this pre-determined future is perplexing. Whether or not “things” will ever be the same is not at all clear, but that some people hope things will never be the same is certain.
To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life. Mandatory-masking policies provide a valuable foundation to weaponize the virus against American liberty—now and in the future.
Demanding Freedoms Helps Ensure Them
Much of our freedom is maintained by the collective resistance of the American mood. When the Minnesota governor excluded churches from his Phase I reopening plan, Catholic and Lutheran leadership announced, through counsel, that their churches would reopen with or without the state’s blessing.
The governor’s resulting about-face was probably not due to a legal epiphany. Rather, he understood he’d pushed the envelope too far. Minnesotans wouldn’t put up with any further abuse of their religious freedoms.
Would Virginians, outside of the blue D.C. suburbs, be willing to accept a masking order? To take our freedom from us, people with anti-American agendas have to mobilize some initial quorum of consent from the population.
Masking Is Meant to Build an Opinion Cascade
Mandatory masking seeks to build that consent. In addition to extending the fiction that we are in an emergency sufficient to trigger the extra-constitutional authority of local and state executives, mandatory masking acts as a peer pressure-fueled signal that encourages conformity to our coming “new normal.”
An April 18 article in the Washington Post underscores the strategy, presenting the mask controversy as a left versus right debate. People resisting mandatory mask policies are, per usual, painted as unreasonable, headstrong, and backward—displaying ignorant American bravado while rejecting science and good sense. (That caricature is itself a tool to mock, marginalize, and silence dissent.)
The most telling passage of the article is this one:
For Trump’s supporters, declining to wear a mask is a visible way to demonstrate “that ‘I’m a Republican,’ or ‘I want businesses to start up again,’ or ‘I support the president,’ ” said Robert Kahn, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis who has studied Americans’ attitudes toward masks. ‘Masks will quickly become the new normal in blue states, but if social distancing continues through 2022, the mentality among Republicans could well change, too: If I can go to work and the cost of marginal improvement in my life is wearing a mask, maybe Americans of both parties do accommodate ourselves to it.’
And that’s the key. If we want to marginally improve our lives, we will submit. The masks aren’t the endgame. The point of the masks is to teach the American people that if we want to get some sense of normal, we have to accept abnormality.
If everyone is wearing a mask, it telegraphs a society-wide acceptance that the status quo has changed, and with that consensus other changes can come, too. Society will be primed to accept measures that most normal Americans would reject in any other time. Our new normal will include a permanent expansion of the bureaucracy and alarming new COVID-related regulations.
Masks Are of Limited Benefit
The truth is you aren’t irrational or obdurate if you are skeptical about masks. The “experts” have admitted that masks’ efficacy is usually negligible. Dr. Anthony Fauci himself, in a “60 Minutes” interview early in this pandemic, dismissed masks as essentially useless.
“There is no reason to be walking around wearing a mask. When you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel better, and might even block a droplet,” he said with almost an eyeroll, “but it’s not providing the perfect protection people think it is, and often there are unintended consequences…”
Fauci may have changed his tune, but plenty of sensible doctors are still speaking up. Last week, a doctor in the Wall Street Journal pointed out that cloth masks—the type worn by the overwhelming majority of the population—are not very effective, echoing Fauci’s earlier admission. The WSJ author noted that even the N95 masks fall short: “They’re considered effective at blocking coronavirus particles only when they’re form fitted and tested to make sure there isn’t any leakage.”
In short, cloth masks are largely symbolic. The science hasn’t changed, but the agenda has.
Implementing mandatory mask policies across a society of 300 million because it makes some people feel better is absurd on its face. But the policy makes a lot of sense if you understand its purpose and usefulness to shift the American mindset.
Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a “new normal.”
Molly McCann is Of Counsel with Sidney Powell, P.C. and lives and works in the Washington, D.C. metro area. In her free time, Molly is active in conservative policy and directs the Phyllis Schlafly Virginia Constitution Center, organizing events for young professionals.
Cross-posted with Powdered Wig Society
- Dr Anthony Fauci Floats Goggles and Masks — Is a Hazmat Suit Next?
- Dan Bongino on Mandatory Mask Order: ‘Shove It Right Up Your A**’ (Video)
- Biden Says If Elected, He Will Rule Like A Dictator, Make Public Mask Use Mandatory With Executive Order
- Video of the Day: CNN Propagandist Kaitlan Collins Scolds Trump For Not Wearing Mask, Removes Her Own After Briefing
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