Analysis: If SecDef Austin Is Looking For Racists and Extremists, Perhaps He Should Look At The Democrats In Power

As we and others have reported, Lloyd Austin, the new Secretary of Defense under Joe Biden, has ordered a stand-down of the military in order to allegedly find and root out racism and extremism.
If that’s what he really wants to find and root out, however, perhaps he’s looking in the wrong place. Perhaps he should consider looking at the Democrats who now rule both chambers of Congress and the White House.
The Master Race of White Supremacist Democrats, and White Liberals have killed 20 million black babies.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The abortion policy of the Neo-Nazi Democrat party has murdered 20 million unborn black Americans.
Finding White Supremacists, or those who believe in the Master Race, is not hard to do. Simply look for those who in government support abortions, and follow the lead from there. Look for White Liberals.
Let’s face the truth, Neo-Nazi White Supremacy is alive and well today in the Democrat billionaire and political White Liberal class.
The master race theory is alive and well today in the Democrat White Liberal billionaire and political class.
The bulwark and shield against this White Liberal Neo-Nazi White Supremacy is none other than our military.
In writing this post, I have to admit that as a historian of military strategy and warfare, I have been a fan of our new Secretary of Defense, General Lloyd Austin for many years.
General Austin led the US Central Command. This is the combat arm of the US Army, not a desk job… His division focused on hot spots: Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria. He had amazing successes.
In this post, I raise the idea that one of our military leaders, General Austin, is being manipulated by White Liberal political and financial forces. Political forces and financial Master Race groups which are basically tricking him into damaging a leading organization for equality in American life — The US military.
And that those doing the manipulation are apparently White Liberal, White Supremacists.
It begins with the rise of Nazism in Germany 1933… and grew like a cancer to every country the Master Race Nazis occupied in Europe.
To get to the foundation of what is occurring, we go back to the early 1940s, to the Nazi occupied country of Hungary. A brutal Nazi occupation was destroying various groups of people in Hungary, including mass murder of Hungarian military officers.
Included in the wiping out of any possible resistance to the Nazi occupiers, Jews were stripped of their rights and property and rights of self-protection.
That Jewish property became very interesting to the Nazi civilian occupiers, because confiscated property basically became theirs. Homes, cars, factories which employed thousands, suddenly because for all practical purposes, personal property of Nazi government officials.
The destruction of the darker colored Jews, that Hitler contrasted to the blond aryan White Liberals, was rapid.
Jewish officers and soldiers in the Hungarian military were hunted and shot down immediately. Jews who owned property were next on the list of White Supremacist, White Liberal Germans.
A logistical problem faced the German occupiers (civilian administrators of the Nazi regime), in that they often could not locate all the various properties they wished to steal, particularly of Jewish Hungarians, since the owners were dead or in concentration camps. And ownership documents had been destroyed as well.
Therefore, the civilian German administrators of Hungary turned to the very few Jews who would work for them. One of those Jews was a young boy named György Schwartz.
Schwartz would accompany a group of German civilian officials, showing them the various estates of the dead or imprisoned Jewish Hungarians.
In an interview many years later in the United States on the 60 Minutes program, Schwartz stated that he felt empowered, like a super-being… to be doing this collaboration work with the Nazis, and hiding his Jewish identity by betraying the Jews of Hungary.
The interview speaks for itself and can be seen here:
Most people know György Schwartz by the name he took later, George Soros.
Why mention this? Some experts believe that the Nazi ideology, that of the Master Race… the Nazi methods to overthrow governments… all these became part of organizations founded by Mr Soros.
I do not know if this is the case or not, but there is no doubt in the mind of some experts that the propaganda and political methods of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, are at the center of Mr. Soros’ organizations’ activities.
This includes a Master Race technique, explained and taught by Joseph Goebbels: “Accuse your enemies of what you are actually doing.”
In this case, it means accusing the innocent of White Supremacy, while those doing the accusing are actually White Supremacists (White Liberals).
To step forward into this theory, we see that Mr. Soros, his family, and all high level management in his organization are WHITE.
There is of course, nothing wrong with this, except if it begins to form a link with the Nazi ideology of the Master Race, White Supremacy. The blond Aryan whites against the dark slavic peoples. Against the dark tan and brown Jews. Against blacks in particular. Nordic Whiteness was supreme in the Nazi ideology and is reflected in the makeup, structure and believe of many White Liberal political, business, and media organizations today in the United States.
From Silicon Valley to The Open Society (the organization of György Schwartz), there is White Control, White Liberal Power.
What Stands in Their Way Of Total Control by White Liberals and Their Master Race Theory?
That would be the US military, which during and since the Second World War has opened an avenue of change and equal opportunity for African Americans. The US Army and the US military as a whole became a great leveler, a great way for Americans of color and various ethnicities to step into the leadership they earned and deserved.
Therefore to achieve control and full White Supremacy, that institution, the military, would have to be destroyed.
Let’s look at examples of who is behind this exactly:
Nancy Pelosi: white and her organization is white
Jack Darcy: white with white organization
Mark Zuckerberg: white with white organization
Chuck Schumer: white with white organization
György Schwartz: white with white organization
Joe Biden: white with white organization
Bill Gates: white with white organization
Democrat Senators: white (48 of the 50 Democrat senators are white)
Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democrats: white as snow
Silicon Valley Billionaires: white with white organizations
Marc Elias and Normal L Eisen: the white judicial power structure pulling the strings through Nazi-like laws which they create and ram down the throat of the innocents.
The Democrat billionaire organizations and political agents, are a blizzard. A blinding snowstorm of… you guessed it… WHITE
Malcolm X (A man I met in Chicago who helped me once when as a boy, I was lost on the South Side of the city) warned about this in his public statements:
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.”
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems.”
White Liberal Supremacist groups target who they see as their enemies. These include for example, the Black Churches. These churches empower black people and therefore just like the US military, the churches must be castrated… the White Liberal, White Supremacist Democrat and billionaire power structure can not tolerate the Churches or the military, or evidently black people at all…
The Master Race White Liberal Democrats have killed 20 million black babies. This abortion policy of the Neo-Nazi Democrat White Liberal party has murdered 20 million unborn black Americans.
Let’s face the truth, Neo Nazi White Supremacy is alive and well today in the Democrat billionaire and political class.
In fact, if we are looking for White Supremacists today in America, the last place we will find them is the US military.
Therefore the Democrat White Liberal, White Supremacist power structure has decided the military has to go. Or at the very least, must be neutered and changed to become “woke.” And according to some experts, they intend to, by deception, misuse a person I admire greatly, General Austin, as their tool.
At this point in history, the US military is made up of very diverse groups who all function together well and in harmony (which the exception of sexual harassment, which must be stamped out). From a racial point of view, the military is an outstanding leader in our country for equality or opportunity, mutual respect and multi-racial cooperation.
Therefore, the White Liberal, White Supremacist power structure, which is in effect a Neo-Nazi movement, has decided the military has to be destroyed from within.
And they have manipulated one of our greatest Americans to trick him into carrying out such a act. Such manipulation has occurred many times before in recent history. Nazi deception caused Joseph Stalin to execute his basically all of his leading generals before the attack of Hitler by deceiving Stalin into believing that his military was a threat.
Acting at the behest of China and Iran, isn’t it possible that the White Supremacist, White Liberal Democrat political and billionaire groups are doing the same?
Let’s support our new Secretary of Defense, an American hero, for all Americans, so he will see the light. And he will be a leader to work for all Americans, against the evil forces of New Nazi Master Race elements in the Democrat White Liberal billionaire and political power structure.
(Note: There are no suggestions in this post, that anyone has committed a crime. In the United States, all are presumed innocent, until and unless proven to be guilty in a court of law.
This post has as its purpose to expose the evil of Master Race White Liberalism, and to unite the country to work for all Americans.)
As Ben Carson spoke to power:
“White Liberals are the most racist people there are, because they put blacks in a box and insist they think only one way…
And if they don’t, they attack them as illegitimate, all the while denying that their policies destroy blacks.”
Dr Joel S Holmes, is an engineer, working in cyber security and the history of warfare.
- Stand Down Order – Biden’s SecDef issues order to address “Racists and Extremists”
- The Biden Administration’s Purge of the U.S. Military Has Begun
- Jen Psaki Mocks Space Force; SecDef Austin Purges Defense Boards of Trump Supporters
- Video: Dem Rep. Cohen Suggests White Male Military Members Seditious Conspirators Against Biden
- Biden Team: ‘De-emphasize the Military as an Instrument of National Power’
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