ABC Propagandist George Stephanopoulus Promotes Georgia Democrat Fundraising Group (Video)

On Friday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and Good Morning America heavily promoted a far-left group trying to elect Democrats in the Georgia Senate runoff.
In an interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus pushing America Votes, a 501(c)(4), “the coordination hub of the progressive community,” Stephanopolous abandoned any shred of journalistic integrity.
Stephanopoulos ends the interview telling voters, “All of you at home can get tickets for VEEP live virtual table read happening Sunday. Go to”
WATCH: Egregious media bias in action:
ABC's George Stephanopoulos has Julia Louis-Dreyfus on #GMA to promote a VEEP table read to benefit a progressive group trying to elect Democrats in Georgia.
Stephanopoulos even encourages viewers to get tickets.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) December 4, 2020
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history? redirects to an ActBlue fundraising page that demands a donation.
It is completely egregious of a media organization to give an uncritical platform to a group that is focused on electing Democrats and then telling viewers to in effect donate to said Democrat organization.
Bottom Line: It’s interviews like this that should leave no doubt about why the American people have lost trust in the mainstream media. ABC picked a side in the Georgia Senate runoff and put the full weight of their “news” division to funnel money through ActBlue. This is absolutely appalling.
Via Steve Guest, Republican National Committee
Cross-posted with Mental Recession
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