
A FLYING PIG MOMENT; A LYING MEDIA’S ADMISSION: Texas Naval base shooter believed to have expressed support for terrorist groups online

FBI: هجوم تكساس على صلة بالإرهاب.. هذا منفذه (شاهد)

First, as reported by Arab Media via AlQuds.co:

قالت متحدثة باسم مكتب التحقيقات الاتحادي الأمريكي “إف بي آي”، الخميس، إن إطلاق الرصاص في قاعدة للبحرية بمدينة كوربس كريستي في ولاية تكساس “له صلة بالإرهاب”.

وأضافت أن المسلح قتل في مسرح الحادث، لكن المحققين يبحثون عن مشتبه به آخر.

وقالت وسائل إعلام إن المنفذ هو عربي، يدعى آدم سليم الساحلي، ومن مؤيدي تنظيم القاعدة.

وأصيب بحار في الحادث الذي وقع صباح الخميس.

وقالت المتحدثة ليا جريفز: “خلصنا إلى أن الحادث الذي وقع هذا الصباح في قاعدة كوربس كريستي البحرية الجوية مرتبط بالإرهاب”.

وأضافت أنه ربما يوجد شخص آخر له صلة بالمهاجم يتحرك طليقا في المنطقة.

وذكرت البحرية أن البحار الذي أصيب في الهجوم، وهو عضو بالقوة الأمنية للقاعدة، في حالة طيبة، وخرج من المستشفى.

وفي العام الماضي، قتل مسلح سعودي ثلاثة بحارة أمريكيين في هجوم بقاعدة بينساكولا البحرية في فلوريدا، بعد أيام من إطلاق بحار أمريكي الرصاص على ثلاثة مدنيين في قاعدة بيرل هاربر العسكرية في هاواي، فقتل اثنين منهم ثم انتحر.

اقرأ أيضا: “FBI”: أدلة تثبت علاقة منفذ هجوم فلوريدا بـ”القاعدة”

Translated To: A FBI shooter at a naval base in Corpus Christi, Texas, “is linked to terrorism,” a FBI spokeswoman said, adding that the gunman was killed at the scene but investigators were looking for another suspect.

A sailor was injured in the accident, which occurred Thursday morning.

“We have concluded that the accident that occurred this morning at Corpus Christi Naval Air Force Base is linked to terrorism,” said spokeswoman Lea Graves.

She added that there may be another person connected to the attacker moving in the area.

The navy stated that the sailor who was wounded in the attack, a member of the al-Qaeda security force, was in good condition and had been discharged from hospital.

Last year, a Saudi gunman killed three US sailors in an attack at the Pensacola Naval Base in Florida, days after a US sailor shot three civilians at Pearl Harbor Military Base in Hawaii, killing two of them and then committing suicide.


Now, onto the analysis within……

{Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org}

INTRODUCTION BY ADINA KUTNICKI:  A nanosecond after the news flashed across the tv screen that a shooting took place at Corpus Christi naval base in Texas, well, four conclusions were drawn at this end — three of which were on-target, the other, not so much! We will get to that….but bear in mind that even a broken clock could be right once.

First, it was a jihadi hit; second it was not a “lone wolf” attack, third, it was not incidental or coincidental to this week’s press conference re Pensacola’s jihadi connection to Al-Qaida and an overarching Islamic plot, as well as ongoing ones {emphasis placed}!

In fact, this investigative journalist and Muslim Brotherhood expert analyzed this week via “SHOCKED, SHOCKED”: SAUDI JIHADI, AL-QAIDA, EMBEDDED WITHIN PENSACOLA’S AIR STATION, NO SH*T, SHERLOCK! (VIDEOS) what would soon go down — dare it be said, predicted, Thursday’s attack, if not to the exact day but to its precipitous timing! The following excerpt from 5/19 reads as follows and is supportive of the same:

……”Resultant, patriots, in conjunction with all of the above linked evidentiary trails, consider today’s “SHOCKED, SHOCKED” as another “unlearned lesson”, that is, when a corrupted leadership — political and security-wise — executes what amounts to as a “hands-off” U.S. policy vis-à-vis jihadis — be they Saudi Arabia affiliated or another!

To wit, how “SURPRISING, SURPRISING” is it that Pensacola’s Air Station was (and still is) infiltrated and penetrated with Al-Qaeda — or another of the countless jihadi hydras? Six of one…half a dozen of another….

NO doubt, trust, there are others lying in wait all across America!!


Moving right along to merely 3 ! days after the above cited analysis — and, with it, Bill Barr’s press conference re “Pensacola + the Al-Qaida connection” — 3 out of the 4 conclusions cited above are home-runs. As per the fourth, this is a real shocker: Who would have thought that CNN — out of all of the lying outlets in the media — would report it accurately, at least, so far.]

EDITION.CNN.com By Dakin Andone, Barbara Starr, Hollie Silverman and Josh Campbell – updated May 22, 2020

The deceased suspect in Thursday’s shooting at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi in Texas was a 20-year-old male named Adam Alsahli of Corpus Christi, according to two law enforcement sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.

Alsahli drove to an entrance at the naval station and shot a security forces member in the chest, hitting the guard in her bulletproof vest and inflicting non-life-threatening injuries, according to one of the sources.
Alsahli then accelerated towards the gate entrance and crashed into a barrier. After exiting the vehicle, he began shooting, and was shot and killed by naval security forces.
Following the suspect’s death, law enforcement bomb technicians cleared his body and vehicle, but found no explosive devices, one of the sources said.
A preliminary law enforcement investigation into the shooter has identified him as a US resident who was originally born in Syria, and likely a supporter of Salafi-jihadist ideology, according to one of the sources.
On Thursday evening, the FBI said it is “not ruling out any possible motives” in the shooting.
In a statement posted to Twitter the Houston office of the FBI said, “We are not ruling out any possible motives and continue to investigate all leads. When we are able to release additional information, we will do so.”
Officials have identified various social media accounts, which initial reports indicate are likely associated with the shooter, the source said. Online postings by these accounts expressed support for ISIS and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the source said.
For now, federal investigators have not observed any claims of responsibility for the attack on online platforms used by terrorist groups, one of the sources said.
Although investigators have not currently discovered any information indicating Alsahli was inspired by, or connected to, the December 2019 terrorist attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola, one of the sources said this remains a key line of inquiry for investigators, especially due to the recent announcement by the Justice Department that the Pensacola shooter had terrorist ties.
FBI officials said earlier the shooting was terror-related.
Authorities previously said a shooter had been “neutralized,” but there may be a second person of interest still at large, FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent Leah Greeves said during a short press briefing. The agent did not provide additional information.

FBI is leading the investigation

The base was put on lockdown after security forces responded to reports of an active shooter around 6:15 a.m. CT, according to the Navy.
The FBI is the lead investigative agency, according to a tweet from the bureau’s Houston field office.
“All gates on the installation remain closed while first responders process the scene,” the Navy said in its statement. “NCIS is en route, and state and local law enforcement are on scene.”
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi has been home to Naval pilot training since 1941, according to its website.
Thursday’s shooting took place just days after the FBI and the Justice Department announced it had found a link between al Qaeda and a Saudi military trainee who killed three US sailors and wounded several others in a terror attack last year on Naval Air Station Pensacola.
The shooter in that attack, who was killed by law enforcement, had communicated with al Qaeda operatives as recently as the night prior to the shooting, officials said.

Indeed, the above reporting is a flying pig moment!

Be that as it may, and for the stated record, it should be noted: 24/7 access exists to a tight, highly-vetted circle of counter-terrorism/counter-intelligence professionals, some of whom are based all across the U.S., while others are in Israel and beyond its borders.

The point being, it is repeatedly being warned to these ears: With corona in the forefront; with Nov. 2020 looming large, and with the FBI top-tier (regardless of any grandstanding, yes, they are on the job!) diluting jihadi terror every chance they get to their underlings, the dangers to the homeland couldn’t be more acute. The chatter picked up is at a fevered pitch!

Not only that, special mention was made re the twin side of Sunni jihadi terror, that is, the Shia front ala countless Hezbollah cells that are burrowed and awaiting orders to pounce!

Oh, and another piece of advice, a warning, of sorts: Don’t expect U.S. law enforcement to come to the rescue. This is so because when it comes to jihadi terror, tragically, they are ill equipped. Indeed, while many forces have proven to be excellent at “mop-up” operations, on the other hand, they are hardly trained at preventative measures — that which mandates robust training as per a non-PC, non-politicized understanding of what jihadi terror really entails, that is, so that it can be recognized in the first place! Take this assessment to the bank.

Most significantly, the aforementioned is the main knock-on effect of decades of counter-intuitive police training via a “hands-in-the-pockets” approach. No kidding. No exaggeration. This is so because their bosses at the tippy top of LE agencies, as well as prosecutorial teams run by DA’s who are overwhelmingly progressive-based and “social justice” obsessed, are running the so-called justice system in America.

At the most, these lame excuses for so-called law and order and justice- seeker types are good at repeating pithy mantras, yes, “see something, say something” but that’s about the extent of it!

{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:


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