The marking of September 16 will forever remain a particularly heartfelt day on this writer’s calendar. It is the day that G-d granted the Dzikansky Family a most precious gift; a baby boy to spoil to no end. Fawn over. After 3 girls, the Prince had, finally, arrived! Nothing was ever the same.
According to (family) legend, the delivery nurses at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital were astonished at his size; one of the biggest (in weight and length) in memory! Even more so, the fact that both parents were average-sized, well, became the talk of the unit. As time went by, had they watched him develop, they would not have been surprised to see him grow into a towering 6’3; a strapping young man, not to mention, very handsome, too.
Even more so, the fact that be became a “gentle giant” – not only mirroring his brother-in-law and very best friend in stature, but in always looking out for loved ones – was nothing short of a miracle.
Notably, he could have easily turned into a man with a stone-cold heart. For 25 plus years, his professional life was a continuous loop of nightmarish chases – from hunting down serial killers, drug kingpins, etc. throughout New York City, to cornering Jihadi terrorists all over the world. To encapsulate the aforementioned, the following (out of countless) sets the stage:
- The Orthodox Jewish cop who was NYPD’s undercover detective in Israel
- Who was anti-terror agent NYPD Det. Mordecai Zev Dzikansky z”l?
- Morty the Cop: A Manhattan Homicide Detective Assigned to Israel
- National Homeland Security Conference
- The Terrorism Beat