
A 10-Year Retrospective Into The Dangerous Nexus Between D.C. Dems and Their Client State: Israel

The MAIN Players.....

THE metaphor, “don’t reinvent the wheel”, is oft-expressed when it revolves around demonstrable and provable outcomes. Common sense.

TRAGICALLY, such is the case when it involves the pincer-like, Islamic Jihadi horror show on the ground in Israel. Yes, whereas in the previous ten years certain political names have played musical chairs (in the U.S. and in Israel, alongside dominant Sunni/Shia interchangeable, Islamic Jihadi, terror hydras), the present-day outcome was more than predicted a decade ago.

INDEED, the below Interview (make sure to keep scrolling down until the bios of the two Interviewees appear) takes time to absorb, but its essence is more than mandatory reading.

SIGNIFICANTLY, the Intro/Question format is courtesy of the years-long, esteemed (former) Editor-in-Chief of INQUISITR, Wolff Bachner. Alas, the advice within is as follows: head to a quiet corner, put your feet up, grab a few snacks and beverages of choice – preferably, not the inebriating kind!

SO, sans further ado, presenting,

ISIS, Islam And Obama: Understanding The Threat To The Free World [Opinion]

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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