
1200+ Hamas Rockets Purposed to Destroy Israel. Israel Takes Out Hamas Leaders.

By now, you would think that there would be awareness that Hamas rockets fired into Israel would elicit a harsh response from the Israeli government. But terrorists appear to be deaf to that situation as they have fired over 1,200 rockets into the nation over the last 48 hours. The response has been full and encompassing from the IDF, striking back at Hamas in Gaza. Many analysts believe this will be similar to the 2014 war, as Israel prepares for a ground war with Gaza.

Hamas rockets
A rocket attack that hit an Israeli bus via IDF Twitter feed

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Millions of Israelis hunker in bomb shelters as the rockets land on or near Israeli schools and homes across the country from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv an everywhere in between. All of this came as “Palestinians celebrated” Ramadan by clashing with Israeli security forces and even civilians at the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa. Hamas (a designated terror organization) launched rockets at civilian areas, including Arab-Israelis. All while hiding their rocket launchers inside civilian areas of Gaza.

The violent rhetoric of Hamas Leader Fathi Hammad didn’t help: “Buy cheap knives, behead Jews.”

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The constant clashes between Arabs and Jews threatens to throw Israel into a violent civil war, even as they prepare for a ground war with Gaza.

Rocket attacks continue Wednesday night as do lynch attempts, violence, injuries in Arab-Jewish clashes...

“Israel is not preparing for a ceasefire. There is currently no end date for the operation. Only when we achieve complete quiet can we talk about calm,” Gantz said while touring Ashkelon. “We will not listen to moral preaching from any organization or institution regarding our right and duty to protect the citizens of Israel.”

All Israel News

Biden, who has been MIA in this mess, finally did call Netanyahu and stated Israel’s right to self-defense. This conflict came once again during the “celebration” of Ramadan, as it did in 2014.

“Ramadan is the month of jihad, fighting, and fasting. Therefore, after the jihad fighter dedicates himself to the study of Islam by day he sets forth to defend his homeland, Palestine, by night. This month has seen the actualization of exceptional Islamic victories

The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of jihad, and saw the two most important battles in the life of the Prophet. The first is the great Battle of Badr, which was the divine proof by means of which Allah distinguished truth from lie, and which led to Muslim honor and steadfastness. The second is the Conquest of Mecca, by virtue of which the first renunciation of Islam was defeated, the banners of paganism in the holy city [of Mecca] fell, and Islam became invincible throughout in the Arabian Peninsula.

Times of Israel article via Hamas statement

[Please note: the IDF releases leaflets warning people to evacuate prior to bombings. Hamas does not. There were no reports of deaths or injuries from the above IDF strike.]

Hamas Rockets

There are two kinds of rocket attacks being used by Hamas – a) the usual rockets that fly in an arc – which the Israeli Defense System Iron Dome can take out IF not too many of them come in at once. Unfortunately when Hamas sends literally hundreds of them at the same time, many are able to get through. Then there is b) development of a rocket that flies in a straight line. Such a rocket cannot be picked up by Iron Dome, but the drawback comes from having to launch from totally flat terrain with a strong view of the target. Two Israelis have died from the straight-flying kind of rocket over the last couple of days, according to local sources.

The tell tale signs of rocket attacks -over Israel – screenshot via Benny Johnson (Facebook)


A people whose avowed purpose is to destroy the nation of Israel will not likely ever become peaceful. And for Israel, who needs to protect and defend their citizens, failure is not an option.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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