Not kidding: UN installs ‘penis seat’ on Mexico City subways
The United Nations is teaming up with the Mexico City government to raise awareness for sexual harassment in subways.
So how are they going about it? They have two ideas and to explain one of them, let’s have fun trying to imagine how it possibly came about: There are a handful of people sitting at a table, some from the UN and others from municipal government and they’re discussing subway groping because Mexico doesn’t have enough problems. Someone says something to the effect of, “I have an idea, now hear me out. We take a subway seat, right, and we mold the back part into an upper torso of a naked flabby man and we take the seat part and we mold a penis protruding from it, what’ya think huh? Good idea, right?”
Perhaps it was voted on where opposing views just could not find a convincing enough argument — that is, if there were any dissenters at all; funds were then allocated to a molding shop with the specifications (from where, how?). Weeks later a prototype was developed and another meeting was called. The seat was viewed with the penis protruding from it (did anyone test it?) and the consensus agreed, this was going to work and the order was placed to make a couple hundred more.
Another part of the campaign is to secretly video the buttocks of male commuters in a subway station and show the video on a screen at the station because males are rotten and they deserve it. In the meantime, there is a person manning a video camera doing all this and getting paid for it by the United Nations, who has no intentions whatsoever to climb Trump’s wall and leave the country.
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The campaign would not give a bystander any idea what this is about unless it was explained with signs, which there are. Nor would it make anyone think twice about groping. However bureaucrats at the UN with a lot of time and money on their hands are quick to show how smart and creative they are. The group sponsoring this is called “UN Women” and so if you’re going to have such a group and pay them, they have to do something and that something is yet another “raise awareness” campaign.
The morally superior The New York Times quoted program coordinator Yeliz Osman, who said, “We wanted to do something different,” duhh! “We wanted to target men because on a global level, the majority of programs talking about sexual violence or sexual harassment always target women and girls. We wanted to change that because we don’t think that women are the problem.”
Here’s video of the “experiment” posted by the Times:
The Times added:
The campaign has now released a video titled “Experimento Asiento” — “an experiment with a seat” — that has had more than 800,000 views on YouTube since March 20. It shows people reacting with a mixture of discomfort and shock throughout. One man even tried to cover the seat with a coat to sit on it. It didn’t work. He abandoned the seat, as did others who tried to sit in it during the experiment in January.
UN Women and the Mexican government collaborated on a second video as well, which has also begun picking up traffic. It is called “Experimento Pantallas” — or “experiment screens.”
Way to knock down that straw-man. Why don’t you target perverts instead and raise awareness of local law enforcement to arrest some of them, maybe catch them on video, ever think of that?
There is a disconnect to when it comes to goofy leftist politics with just normal every-day thinking and behavior. Just amazing.
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