Jamaat ul-Fuqra – Terror and Child Abuse in America’s Backyard

Radical Islamist communities in America- is that just a right wing conspiracy theory or do they really exist? According to the Clarion Project, they are real, and pose a serious security threat to the U.S.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra (which means ‘community of the impoverished’) has stated that they have 22 communities around the United States, all of which were re-branded as “Muslims of the Americas.” Islamberg in New York is their headquarters.
Double Standard
An article in the CounterJihad report states that Jamaat ul-Fuqra has set up a Sharia court within the borders of the U.S. The practices of child abuse and illicit marriages to underage children are horrifying.
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If polygamy cults like those of Warren Jeffs are busted by feds in rural Utah, why are these Islamic polygamists abusers allowed to continue? It’s a huge double standard.
The enclaves are run by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani, whom the believers say is a “direct descendant” of the prophet Mohammad.
One author wrote about them:
“If somebody breaks a command you could be tied to a tree and hit with sticks,” he explained, including one case of a 50-year old woman which he witnessed. The punishments were for watching unapproved material, cursing, fornication, lying to the MOA officials and other perceived sins against Allah…You have to understand this—these kids, all they have been living for their whole lives is they want to fight a holy war. These are kids.” Martin Mawyer, author of Twilight in America
The woman interviewed by Ryan Mauro actually left the Jamaat ul-Fuqra community by running away. She could easily be killed for her “apostasy.”
Child abuse
In an article entitled, “I Was Raised in an Islamist Terror cult in America” a women revealed many things that don’t exactly fit the “politically correct” view of the “religion of peace.” She said in part,
“…The building was like a house of horrors. Some of the kids were tortured by their parents or beaten by the “brothers” in the building. There was one kid in particular I remember who was treated really badly. He would be beaten severely for little things like taking food from the refrigerator for himself. He and some others would sometimes not be allowed to stand up and forced to hop around like a bunny for days on end. They’d make him run errands throughout the building, hopping up three flights of stairs.
He was also starving and I remember him coming to our door begging for food. There was a fire set by one girl who was also known to be beaten badly and kept separate from the rest of the kids. Years later, I met the boy again and he just broke down crying. It was heart-wrenching. He wanted to know why no one helped him.”
Starving children, beating them, beating women, marrying children off to old men….barbaric, backward practices that should not be in America.
Sharia is already here
So let’s remember that taqiyya, or the ability to lie to the unbelievers, is a hallmark of Islam. Jamaat ul-Fuqra lied in this statement:
“Americans have no reason to fear Sharia. Muslims are quite content with the current state of American Sharia Law. Establishing Sharia in America is not a concern for Muslims. Especially since it’s already here.”
So should we downplay its presence in America, or should we vigorously and unabashedly destroy it? Sharia has NO PLACE in America.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra- has come under scrutiny also for being “terror training camps.” Though they vehemently deny that label, the symptoms of the disease are evident in their treatment of children and women.
H/T: Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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