
CIA Confirms Hillary Lied: Emails Were Classified When Received

Hillary-clinton-emails-deleted-no-one-read-them-scandal-blackberry-foreign-government-620x435I guess the Hillary campaign will have to trot out a new lie, after the CIA determined that Top Secret emails were classified when received.

The Clinton Campaign and the State Department had previously said that the emails were classified until last year and this and that they were not classified when they were received.  The Clinton/State Department story never made sense.  Since the emails were on current breaking conditions around the world, it makes no sense why it wouldn’t be classified when the information was current and was made classified years later.

The CIA worked in conjunction with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency to determine whether the emails were classified at birth.  Both agreed they were.

Two emails, one from 2009 and one from 2011 were even more obvious according to the CIA.  One came complete with satellite photos and secret information on South Korea’s nuclear weapons.  I mean, who would know that would be top secret information.  Don’t they sell that stuff in the gift shop of the Korean Embassy?  Still, the Clinton campaign says it’s a disagreement between two agencies and poor Hillary is merely caught in the middle.

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